Cannabis Seeds Sprouting Duration?

Ok, to begin Im not completely new to growing. I started last november and failed 2 weeks into the cycle. I tried agian but I think i had a bad seed. Once more spring has arived and Im trying to germinate my seed agian. I germinated my mairjuana seed (Snowryder by ShortStuff) 4 days ago, and I planted them in the soil with a small tap root yesterday morning. Now, last time everything was going right but it failed becuase my seed didnt seem to sprout. I am now in a HUGE fear that this one will be the same. I have placed the seeed under a 23watt CFL light and its pretty close to the seed (3 inches away). Now i put soil over the root, but only a little over the actuall seed (where the first set of leaves will come from). The light is clearly reaching the seed.

  • Am i doing everything right?
  • How often do I have to water the seed? Should I always keep the soil moist?
  • HOW long will it take for the seed to sprout above the soil?
  • Should i be concerned about the light being to close?
  • When should i take this seed outdoors?


Active Member
Put it in a window , The light from the sun is 1000x better for everything growing, sprouting , flowering, you want it to get used to the 12 / 10 sunlight.


Well-Known Member
Second post I've seen today mentioning 12/10. Where do you people live that the days have only 22 hours?


Well-Known Member
nonono. root needs to come out 1/4 inch. Plant ENTIRE seed and root under the dirt; root down (the top of the seed where the leaves come out should be 1/4 inch beneath the soil). trail and error my friend.

p.s. light doesnt activate growth from seed stage. the moisture is what starts the process and the root grows down and seed gets pushed up. Temp is critical dont let get below 68 deg. F in soil.