Cool neighbors and a very rural, forested locale here. Since the "12 per residence" BS went into effect....even though they don't smoke ...3 of my neighbors have offered to let me grow a legal count on their property. Tempting....and would be fun...but in the end it's just more weed to store/try to figure out WTF to do with.
Super right wing county here. They nixxed all commercial aspects of the plant and have written "ordinances" directed at home grows...both med and personal. It's actually quite funny to see them fuck it all up so badly in their attempt to tell us what we can do. How I read their we can have 12 plants per residence. They don't stipulate "in flower" or "in veg".

They also say that all outdoor grows have to be screened from public view/from public streets/etc. No mention of enclosures or locks. Then they set up a fine of $1000 for overrages on counts.

No mention of "jail" or charges. Would be a Code violation from the way I see it...and the code folks would be called before the Sherrif...if he was called at all. Yeah....too funny. I sure don't wanna test their gig out...but by the same token...I'm not gonna worry one way or the other. 25 years of illegality/slingin'/sleepless nights kinda drained the fear right out of me. If they come we will deal with we always have...LOL.
Bottom line...when they enact a limit on firearms per home....we'll count plants "per residence".

If they come and spoil the year EVERY house on the block will have a fucking garden.