Cannibutter/Cookies help! +Repp

Ok so I'm making my first cannibutter out of trimmings its been "simmering" for about 3 hours now, and its not as green as I'd like it to be so I'm going to let it go for a few more hours. I'm using about an oz of trimmings and a couple of buds i harvested about 3-4 days ago. I have a few questions about the butter and making the cookies. I bought bettey crocker chocolate chip cookies and it wants me to use 1 stick of butter. I used an oz of trimmings for 2 sticks. Do I just put 1 stick into the cookie mix and follow directions from there? Also as for drying the cannibutter is there a reason I have to let it sit for 8-10 hrs in the fridge? or is it plausible to put in the freezer for a short time in order to speed the hardening process? I have made cannibutter twice and failed so I'm crossing my fingers that this is my time to shine. The butter I used is sweet cream butter. It looked like the only thing walgreens had that wasn't spread. Am I doing everything right so far?


Active Member
Here's a Link:

And as for putting it in the freezer I have no idea and im sure someone can tell you why but my guess would be that when you put it in the fridge the water separates from the butter forming a layer on top that you drain off so your left with pure butter. Now if you put it in the freezer would the water seperate or just freeze? into one solid chunk of water and butter? that's my guess... put it in the fridge.

Stark Raving

Active Member
I've put it in the freezer before when I was in a hurry. It worked ok, but some of the water froze and seemed to crystalize on the bottom of the butter, giving is a wet, mushy feel. Just felt like an inferior product, but it does work. It really is better in the fridge though.

As for the cookies, just follow the recipe, so yes, just one stick. If you want to use all the butter, just make two batches of cookies. It's not nescessarily a better cookie just because it's super strong. I hate eating half a brownie and getting super high. I'd rather eat two brownies and get super high! Plus I don't like the taste, so I prefer to get the same dose in a couple cookies that taste good than in one cookie that tastes like your eating a bud right off the plant.

When I bake, I always use half cannabutter and half regular butter. I prefer a recipe that calls for 1 cup (two sticks) and use half a cup of cannabutter. Plenty potent, and not such a strong taste. But then, if you like the taste of weed to be strong, by all means, have at it!

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion if you put it in the freezer it won't seperate as much of the pot gunk out of the budder
and trapping it in the budder will give it more of a green taste not good.
I make 2 holes in the budder like 180* from eachother and pour out the cruddy water
then run cold water back under it and pour it out again, I do this 2-3 times then I remove the budder and divie it up.

