Cannot Figure Out Please Help (PICS)

What does this look like? 1 in the DWC is a clone from plants have been cloning for 2 years. Never had any problem with anything til city came and worked on water valve at corner. Then everything went to shit. This is all i could save. I need this strain to live -- i got 4 clones from an acquaintance and put them in foxfarm soil and have been watering with tap water and same thing is happening. Do i need RO? Probably but what is missing? Deficiencies lockout? PH is good for a few days on DWC then drops rapidly. Please help.20140909_100225.jpg 20140909_100233.jpg 20140909_100243.jpg 20140909_100252.jpg 20140909_100305.jpg20140909_100225.jpg20140909_100225.jpg20140909_100233.jpg 20140909_100252.jpg 20140909_100305.jpg
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Well-Known Member
You might have a wicked case of you have a microsope? If you do, look in at 30x zoom for micromites. Are you using any pesticides?

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
first you need to check ppms of the tap, any new nutes?

go fill the car with spring water from walmart.

it is salvageable but not if you keep using what ur using
Threw out and replaced all nutes -- using gh 3 part plus liquid koolbloom, floralicious plus im thinking of RO unit -- ill get water
You might have a wicked case of you have a microsope? If you do, look in at 30x zoom for micromites. Are you using any pesticides?
Nope, there's no mites. the leaves are clean underneath where they like to usually hangout. I thought for sure it would clear up once I switched to dirt but it is starting to happen with the new clones i got. The leaves are wrinkled and have "the claw" look to them. the growth at the nodes is brittle and will break right off. I leached the soil once i started seeing the same thing happen. Im going to dump some bottled water in and see if i have better results. These are just my mommy plants but with out them I am at a standstill. UGH!


Well-Known Member
Nope, there's no mites. the leaves are clean underneath where they like to usually hangout. I thought for sure it would clear up once I switched to dirt but it is starting to happen with the new clones i got. The leaves are wrinkled and have "the claw" look to them. the growth at the nodes is brittle and will break right off. I leached the soil once i started seeing the same thing happen. Im going to dump some bottled water in and see if i have better results. These are just my mommy plants but with out them I am at a standstill. UGH!
Some mites can be seen only by scope, hence why I asked if you had one;) I never seen bad water do this or nutes, but I wont rule it out. It looks like a wicked case of broad mites to me.



Well-Known Member
I was looking closely at your pics again. Your grow area is awfully dirty, most likely its broad mites due to uncleanliness.
I was looking closely at your pics again. Your grow area is awfully dirty, most likely its broad mites due to uncleanliness.
I know it looks MUCH worse than it actually is
I was looking closely at your pics again. Your grow area is awfully dirty, most likely its broad mites due to uncleanliness.
OK GENIUS! I'll bet you think you're so f'n smart. I would have to have your back on that one!!! Thank you so very, very much!!!

I had to break out my kids 1200x Tasco to find them but lo and behold there they were. There are not that many of them but they are there. What are they called because they are not spider mites. They are VERY VERY SMALL you would be squinting with a 30x to see them I took the pics and video at 80x - 160x which is as low as the scope will go.

I posted a video of them on the you tube lol. and uploaded pics as best i could take with a cell phone through the eyepiece.

So, boss? Suggested mitigation technique? I understand CLEAN THE ROOM!!! honestly it was clean when I started but have been so frustrated that I have just let it go.

I had actual Spider Mites a few years ago and have GH AzaMax and SNS 217.

Just hit them all with the SNS 217 and will do the AZA after i get a fresh pump sprayer for it.

TDS in my tap water is 125.

Please advise and thank you again for the assistance.



Well-Known Member
Cut off infected shit 1st.
Discard it away from your grow.way away.
Bleach everything.THis means, empty old pots, tools, lights, fans door handles, anything a plant brushed up against/walls
Spray bleach water in cracks and crevasses while cleaning.
Douse plants, pots, medium. 2 back to back miticide treatments (2 days in a row). I use Monterray for this task.
If you want to you could bomb your grow room too, this should be done on a reg basis
Now, if day 1 your plants look tired and damaged from the treatment...let the plants breath for 24-48 hrs and do it again, but if they look like they can handle another treatment, hit em again the next day.
IM no genius, I just spend many hours a day researching my favorite thing in the world:weed:
plus I've had about everything go wrong in my grow, you learn fast not to make mistakes and take precautions when it hits you in the pocketbook;)
Thank you again, I never thought there could be pests that small. Will be bombing room tomorrow day while out of the house, Cclean out room and start fresh. I will keep you posted on updates and progress of healing. I was hoping with new clones i could get something by thanksgiving-ish still hoping for that neighborhood of harvest if i can get everything back -- i think i have missed that window, but at least with your help I have a chance of getting something by the end of the year.