Can't find diagnosis so am posting


Active Member
It kinda feels papery and thinner than the rest. Can't figure it out. Any and all help would be appreciated.


Temps: 75-82F
Nutrients: 2/3 strength FF Grow Big, 2/3 FF Big Bloom, 1/2 strength Cal-Mag
Water: Distilled PH=6.2
Soil: FFOF
Age: 5 weeks from seed
Lighting: 6 26w cfl 6500k shared between 2 other plants as well on a 20/4 schedule
Fan: Gently blowing lightly

Oh and I know it is drooping slightly in photos. Just watered so slightly saturated. That is just temporary, the papery-thin leaf has been around for just under a week, but got really bad in the last couple days.



Well-Known Member
Hmmm... I can see why there's no response. It's hard to say what's going on here, but at this semi-response will bump this up. I've had "papery thin" issues followed by leaf death in plants that had air gaps around their roots, but after 5 weeks, these would have shown a long time ago and progressed to a much more serious state than what I see here.

If it's just one leaf, and your growing tips are active and healthy, you might not want to change what's working generally to try to correct it. Sometimes, you just get a weird leaf. I had one plant recently where the second set come out really crinkly around the edges.. def looked like a problem, turned out to be nothing.


Active Member
Aight man thanks I hope it just turns out to be not important at all but my fear is it might spread to the others so just figured I'd check. Thanks for the bump man.


Active Member
Update: Has now spread to another leaf and but is tiny for now. Hopefully will go away. If not then might be time to just start cutting and cloning then destroy the mother plant.