Cant get my ph under control


Well-Known Member
I have had to bring the ph down in my diy bubler system every day since I started a week ago I bring it down to 5.6 or so within 24 hours it is back up over 7, I dont have any nutes in the water at all I am using distilled white vinegar to bring the ph down any ideas??? My plants are still alive they are showing alot of root growth but no upward growth


Well-Known Member
i dont know but i would guess from a jump like that the finiger isnt holding 2 well.

ours goes up daily about 5.3-up to 6.3. using ph down consintrated as well


Well-Known Member
I figured it out, the vinegar was working fine I prepare 2 batches of water at the same time to make res changes easier the problem was the rocwool cubes I was using they were breaking apart and settling at the bottom of my bubler so I cleaned it all up really good and its only been an hour but the plants look better already thanks