Can't we all just get along?


Sector 5 Moderator
There is something very disturbing to me in this forum. For the last year or so I've noticed a significant change in people's attitudes here. It used to be that someone had respect for others here. We don't really "know" each other (with very few exceptions) but we read each others posts and interact here in cyberspace. It's easy to be a keyboard macho man and act like a jerk but it doesn't have any place here. I was smoking before most of you were born and it's always been common practice to "chill out" with other stoners. Acting like an ass on here towards others makes me very suspicious of you, especially when I see the same ones causing trouble, flaming others, for little or no reason. My guess is that you are a 15 year old punkass poser trying to be a cyber badass. My advice is simple: find you another forum! Back in the day, the word "peace" was meaningful in many ways, most especially towards our brothers and sisters that "turned on". We have the right to an opposing opinion but if you want to trash someone, be a man and send a PM; don't be an asswipe and flame someone so everyone else can see what a douche you are. Show some restraint and respect for your friends here. We are all here basically for two reasons (1) to learn (2) to teach others what we've learned. Sometimes I think I'll scream if I see one more post about someone peeing on their plants, or asking the same dumb questions that come up every week - but I scream to myself, not at the noob; that's just not cool and if you do it you're not cool either.



Well-Known Member
Maybe I don't come here as much as I used to, but I honestly haven't seen a tremendous amount of animosity among members lately. Nothing out of the ordinary, anyway. I'll certainly take your word for it, though. Bottom line, I try and stay out of stupid topics. I'll leave the high school shit to the kids.


Well-Known Member
There is something very disturbing to me in this forum. For the last year or so I've noticed a significant change in people's attitudes here. It used to be that someone had respect for others here. We don't really "know" each other (with very few exceptions) but we read each others posts and interact here in cyberspace. It's easy to be a keyboard macho man and act like a jerk but it doesn't have any place here. I was smoking before most of you were born and it's always been common practice to "chill out" with other stoners. Acting like an ass on here towards others makes me very suspicious of you, especially when I see the same ones causing trouble, flaming others, for little or no reason. My guess is that you are a 15 year old punkass poser trying to be a cyber badass. My advice is simple: find you another forum! Back in the day, the word "peace" was meaningful in many ways, most especially towards our brothers and sisters that "turned on". We have the right to an opposing opinion but if you want to trash someone, be a man and send a PM; don't be an asswipe and flame someone so everyone else can see what a douche you are. Show some restraint and respect for your friends here. We are all here basically for two reasons (1) to learn (2) to teach others what we've learned. Sometimes I think I'll scream if I see one more post about someone peeing on their plants, or asking the same dumb questions that come up every week - but I scream to myself, not at the noob; that's just not cool and if you do it you're not cool either.

Wow! Do0d! A little bit confrontational aren't you? All that screaming to yourself? You're a seething cauldron of supressed agression? It'll eat you up inside in the end...

And by the way, your sig, it was Freewheelin' Franklin that said that, not Fat Freddie.

Peace out do0d!


New Member
I haven't been on long enough to say with certainty, but I'm guessing every four years it gets more volatile than usual.
Hmmm... what happens every four years? Oh, that's right, it's becuz of the Olympics!! Phelps suks!!! Boo Hiss!! Water boy!!!




Well-Known Member
good post, but I rarely see any attacks. If I do it's usually by the same 1 or 2 people. Not enough to really warrant a concern IMO.


Active Member
the economy is bad...people are losing money...not enough money to buy more bud/growing equipment....people start smoking less because of this...and get more cranky because they aint high no moooooreeee...


Active Member
its true though i wouldnt have even found this site if i didnt go broke and start growing and now i cant even afford lights so that is a very possible reason for people being a penis


Active Member
Forums, Your Neighborhood, The World.. See a trend? Sadly this isn't the same ole place / world that was. Sure it has pockets of just about everything, but overall, it has been on the decline for a long time now. I hate to see bad things happen, but you know, bring on the recession. Perhaps it will be the brick in the face everyone needs to wake up and see what is really important in this life. Perhaps we are too far gone, and it will just get worse, Perhaps Not. We lost something here in the U.S a long time ago. Something we won’t be able to grow without, it is why we are in the pickle we are in. We don’t care about anything, but our own lives, what we can get , what we can take from others. Most can’t see beyond their own limited vision. We want everything fast, and cheap. The price of progress? Now we are having to finally start to pay for that, and it is more than we wanted. Greed will be the undoing. Granted this forum is a small pocket of mostly like minded people, but even then, you can’t stop the spread that easily. It isn’t a matter of “Can’t We all just get along”, it will become a matter of “We All HAVE to get along”, or the consequences will be something we can’t even imagine. Stock up on Ameros.


stays relevant.
There is something very disturbing to me in this forum. For the last year or so I've noticed a significant change in people's attitudes here. It used to be that someone had respect for others here. We don't really "know" each other (with very few exceptions) but we read each others posts and interact here in cyberspace. It's easy to be a keyboard macho man and act like a jerk but it doesn't have any place here. I was smoking before most of you were born and it's always been common practice to "chill out" with other stoners. Acting like an ass on here towards others makes me very suspicious of you, especially when I see the same ones causing trouble, flaming others, for little or no reason. My guess is that you are a 15 year old punkass poser trying to be a cyber badass. My advice is simple: find you another forum! Back in the day, the word "peace" was meaningful in many ways, most especially towards our brothers and sisters that "turned on". We have the right to an opposing opinion but if you want to trash someone, be a man and send a PM; don't be an asswipe and flame someone so everyone else can see what a douche you are. Show some restraint and respect for your friends here. We are all here basically for two reasons (1) to learn (2) to teach others what we've learned. Sometimes I think I'll scream if I see one more post about someone peeing on their plants, or asking the same dumb questions that come up every week - but I scream to myself, not at the noob; that's just not cool and if you do it you're not cool either.

you're getting pretty emotional over there buddy. :lol:



Sector 5 Moderator
Forums, Your Neighborhood, The World.. See a trend? Sadly this isn't the same ole place / world that was. Sure it has pockets of just about everything, but overall, it has been on the decline for a long time now. I hate to see bad things happen, but you know, bring on the recession. Perhaps it will be the brick in the face everyone needs to wake up and see what is really important in this life. Perhaps we are too far gone, and it will just get worse, Perhaps Not. We lost something here in the U.S a long time ago. Something we won’t be able to grow without, it is why we are in the pickle we are in. We don’t care about anything, but our own lives, what we can get , what we can take from others. Most can’t see beyond their own limited vision. We want everything fast, and cheap. The price of progress? Now we are having to finally start to pay for that, and it is more than we wanted. Greed will be the undoing. Granted this forum is a small pocket of mostly like minded people, but even then, you can’t stop the spread that easily. It isn’t a matter of “Can’t We all just get along”, it will become a matter of “We All HAVE to get along”, or the consequences will be something we can’t even imagine. Stock up on Ameros.
Only 15 posts and I'm already liking you Geist. Consider the next poster with a lot of posts and poking fun at me. I'm not whining; I just hate seeing so much verbal abuse here. I guess I could throw up my hands and say it's not my job or why should I care but if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything. The next poster with a box of kleenex ...I'm gonna make ugly faces at them in front of my monitor and call them names to myself. See how you like that mr. smarty pants. :lol:


Active Member
i agree, but beeing a "kid" of this new internet age i have been apart of meany fourms for meanny of my hobbies, and its not just in riu unfortanatly it comes with all fourms, and your right, it usaully is some punk 15 year old kid thats is to fat or lazy to go out and start a real fight and learn some important life lessions about why not to beak off. as for the noobs you cant expect much from us, i know my questions have probly been asked, but every time you ask a question you ger new answers, including answers from the people that have perviously asked the same questions. altho i do feel bad for asking them, i know the answers have been perfected because the question has been asked so meanny times. now as for people pissing on there plants, or pour hamburger grease.. HAHA how can you not sit back and laugh.
i sugest just sitting back smoking one and laughing at all the stupid kids, why let them bother you just be thankfull there not yours.

make love , not war