carbon filter exhaust set up


Active Member
Hi all
i was wondering if i could put my carbon filter and exhaust on the outside of the room as im limited for space in the cupboard i built
i would have a short duct going from the cupboard attached to the fan and have the air blowing out of the filter instead of inside sucking through the filter


Active Member
Excellent cheers tip top toker
just one more question do u have your exhaust fan mounted onto the cupboard and then run duct to the filter or do u have the duct coming from the room to the fan which is attached to the filter
i have a centrifugal fan if this makes any diff

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i have a walk in wardrobe in my bedroom, so i have my cooltube hung, duct goes straight up, through a hole in the ceiling into the attic, inline fan in the attic, ducting then ends with a filter attached at the end.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i have a walk in wardrobe in my bedroom, so i have my cooltube hung, duct goes straight up, through a hole in the ceiling into the attic, inline fan in the attic, ducting then ends with a filter attached at the end.