carbon filter fan combo

knows nothing

New Member
If my carbon filter is in my tent, filtering, and blowing clean air out of my tent can i reuse this air by place a vent to one of the lower duct hole in my tent. Have no extra money rite now and need more air flow. Any info much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
you dont have to filter air to outside unless your worried about someone smelling it, i never have to worry about smell 3 of my neighbors grow plants taller then the 6 foot fence


The most important factor in air is ambient temp of the room. Moving air is important but not as important as moving warm air out and cooler air in. The single most effective tool you have in your situation is where you place your intake and exhaust fans. Place intake fans down low in the tent ... it will bring cooler air in off the floor. I would filter this air but if the filter is causing resistance on air being sucked in, I'd can the filter. That's just me. Place exhaust fans up high to pull the hot air that has risen to the top of the tent, away from the lower area where the plans are. Place both of these fans perpendicular to one another so that they're pulling the air across the tent from down low to up high and out a side of the tent that doesn't have any other intake fans so it doesn't. Yes it helps to pull that air to the outside to lower the ambient temp in the room.

I've seen many friends come up with ghetto solutions for this. PM me and I'll talk it through with you if you want.