Carbonated water and flowering


Active Member
i dont have any co2 system at all, but i do have good air exchange. i've heard of people spraying carbonated water on plants to give them carbon dioxide. ive also heard conflicting accounts about whether or not its ok to spray flowering plants. i would like to do this to give my plants extra carbon dioxide. is it ok to do this during flowering or not? can i do it if i try to keep the water off the buds? does anyone here do this? i've never done it before, but i'd like to try it. i just want some input first.


Well-Known Member
Never done it. You can try this for c02. It is what I do.

  1. 5 gallon plastic gas can.
  2. Air house the small stuff.-2 ft or so. (Depending on your needs).
  3. Air stone.
  4. One 5 pound bag of sugar.
  5. Yeast. (I use three 1/4 oz envelopes).
  6. Glue gun or silicone.
Make sure your gas can is new not used for safety and effectiveness.If the gas can has air release on the back attach the air hose with your glue or silicone. If not heat a nail or screwdriver and puncture the can so the air hose just slides in an inch or so then seal with whatever you have.

Once seal is dry put the 5 pounds sugar and the yeast in the container.
Shake a bit. Now fill 3/4 full with warm water. Make sure water is not hot just warm, Yeast is alive and hot water will kill it. Return main lid tightly and shake. Let the mix sit for about 24 to 36 hours. Now apply air stone to the open end of the air hose. Shake container and then place air stone in a cup of water when it is bubbling that means it is working. Once it slows you should see bubbles every 5-10 seconds. I leave in the cup so I can see the bubbles and then shake the jug if I need to.​




Active Member
Thanks a lot for the advice. I've read about fermenting sugar with yeast to produce co2, but I havn't really thought about trying it myself for some reason. I think I am gonna try it out. The space in my flowering room is really tight (5ftX5ft with 12 plants at the moment, 10 more on the way) but I should be able to squeeze in at least one gas can. All the examples ive read about were smaller scale and I didn't think they were really worth doing. The gas can idea sounds a lot better. How long before you usually have to replace the sugar and yeast? I'd still like to know if there is any problems with using the carbonated water if anybody has any knowledge of this. If the water is ok I'd like to do both. I've heard conflicting accounts of this so I'd like to hear from somebody with first hand experience if there is anybody out there. The guy in that Mr. Green grow video says it's ok, but his plants kinda suck, so I don't trust him that much.


Well-Known Member
Fermenting is probably the easiest.cheapest method.

I just got a CO2 meter. I did a quick experiment with the vinegar/baking powder. That produced CO2 while it was fizzing. After that nothing to speak of.

I plan on looking at the sugar/yeast number. That should be long lasting.

As for the water? Don't! You want to spray plants with the lights off (the little drops are little magnifying lenses. And plants don't use CO2 in the dark. And the mold issue warning is also to heeded.


Active Member
thanks a lot man. i'll stick to just using the sprayer to clean off the plants in the veg room. sugar and yeast sounds like a better alternative to the carb water.


Well-Known Member
I spray all the way up the 2 weeks before harvest. Ive tried the sugar, water & yeast method, only to get a bunch of sticky stuff every 3 months or so.

Now I have a fan pulling air into my grow box thats connected to ducting hooked up to the window to pull fresh air in. I cut a hole in my ceiling to extract the hot air to the attic. I also spray with water & a cpl drops of superthrive every few days or so to help with the humidity.

so far so good.


Well-Known Member
Oh, For what its worth, I noticed here that the indoor CO2 levels are just south of double of the outside levels. Indoor @ 775ppm. Optimal is 1500, outside is 300-400


Well-Known Member
u what? please explain.
Using a CO2 meter, the indoor levels of CO2 in my house is 775ppm (714 at this moment)

The outside levels are 300-400ppm.

The optimal growing level is 1500ppm.

So the indoor levels are better for growing then outdoors (for CO2 at least)


Well-Known Member
Oh, For what its worth, I noticed here that the indoor CO2 levels are just south of double of the outside levels. Indoor @ 775ppm. Optimal is 1500, outside is 300-400
Using a CO2 meter, the indoor levels of CO2 in my house is 775ppm (714 at this moment)

The outside levels are 300-400ppm.

The optimal growing level is 1500ppm.

So the indoor levels are better for growing then outdoors (for CO2 at least)
what the? how the?

wow, thanks 4 the enlightenment. ive got some modifying to do.


Active Member
Thanks a lot for all the replies. I'm thinking I'll try the sugar and yeast. I'm also thinking I'll still spray the plants, but I'll try to hit the undersides of the leaves and stay away from the tops. Oh, and if I get the tops of the leaves, and the don't get burnt spots, is it ok then? I've heard you could burn them that way before, but I havn't really worried about it. I usually only spray the plants to clean them and I usually wipe them off or turn up the fan a little to help dry them quicker, but sometimes I mist the shit out of them all and leave it when the humidity gets too low. Is this ok if they don't show burnt spots? My lights are all only 400 watts. One MH in the veg room and 2 HPS in the bloom.


Active Member
spraying them with carbonated water will be fine DO NOT spray the buds!!!

all u need to do is to spray the underside of the lower fan leaves that are away from the buds.

hope this helps


Well-Known Member
could i just burn something to produce some CO2?

Well there are the CO2 generators that work by burning propane. (also the same idea/tech that those propane powered mosquito 'magnets' use) I haven't looked into them, but I'm sure there is a catalytic converter in there of some sorts.

I have a sugar/yeast test going on now. 2 liter bottle with one packet of yeast and about 2 cups sugar. Not impressive thus far. But its only an hour or so into it.


Active Member
Well there are the CO2 generators that work by burning propane. (also the same idea/tech that those propane powered mosquito 'magnets' use) I haven't looked into them, but I'm sure there is a catalytic converter in there of some sorts.

I have a sugar/yeast test going on now. 2 liter bottle with one packet of yeast and about 2 cups sugar. Not impressive thus far. But its only an hour or so into it.

let us know how that test turns out man. by the way, how much does one of those co2 testers run for? can i find one for cheap?


Well-Known Member
The gas can lasts about 2 weeks. It's about $14 to put together and lasts 2 weeks give or take a couple days. Then rinse and reapeat for about $4.


Well-Known Member
Well there are the CO2 generators that work by burning propane. (also the same idea/tech that those propane powered mosquito 'magnets' use) I haven't looked into them, but I'm sure there is a catalytic converter in there of some sorts.

I have a sugar/yeast test going on now. 2 liter bottle with one packet of yeast and about 2 cups sugar. Not impressive thus far. But its only an hour or so into it.
I usually wait 24-36 before anything nice happens!