Careful out there...

sounds good. I'm in MI. too. I need to start going to these MMJ events cause these laws are confusing
Dave Robertson who is running for the 26th district state senate seat. The district is Waterford, Brandon, Ortonville up around Flint/Clio.

I went to a meet the candidate event. He stated that those 'young people weren't even sick' and passed around petitions and got it on the ballot. Then preceded to talk about how he needs to be elected so he can bring 'change' for the better to MI. I about puked. I reminded him they were registered voters.

I asked him if he has read the law and he said no. I asked how he could talk about a law he didn't read and the money that is wasted in arresting people who's only offense is doing something he doesn't agree with. Just a jerk, and Runestad was the government official that brought him to the meeting. Vote him out too.

We should start a thread for candidates and their stand on MMJ

I agree. It's downright sickening....
Dave Robertson who is running for the 26th district state senate seat. The district is Waterford, Brandon, Ortonville up around Flint/Clio.

I went to a meet the candidate event. He stated that those 'young people weren't even sick' and passed around petitions and got it on the ballot. Then preceded to talk about how he needs to be elected so he can bring 'change' for the better to MI. I about puked. I reminded him they were registered voters.

I asked him if he has read the law and he said no. I asked how he could talk about a law he didn't read and the money that is wasted in arresting people who's only offense is doing something he doesn't agree with. Just a jerk, and Runestad was the government official that brought him to the meeting. Vote him out too.

We should start a thread for candidates and their stand on MMJ
Because as with all .gov they think they know what best for us, "We The People" dont really know whats best for us just ask Nobammy, 76% of the country did not want his health care reform, but guess what we got it........

This is the problem all over this state, there are many law enforcement officers who have a hard on for us med users, and will bring us before the judge as many times as they can, And will not cost them anything, but it will those who they faulsely arrest.
Because as with all .gov they think they know what best for us, "We The People" dont really know whats best for us just ask Nobammy, 76% of the country did not want his health care reform, but guess what we got it........

This is the problem all over this state, there are many law enforcement officers who have a hard on for us med users, and will bring us before the judge as many times as they can, And will not cost them anything, but it will those who they faulsely arrest.

I'm not sure where you got that "76%" figure from, but either way .........

The problem with that health care reform bill is that it did not go far enough. It's a fact that the most cost effective way of handling health care is through a universal single payer system. We pay TWICE per capita what most other industrialized nations do for health care, and we are amongst the least healthy people on the planet. "Health care" in this country is a joke. It's profit and greed first, and peoples health and well being second.

That's pretty sad if you ask me.
I'm not sure where you got that "76%" figure from, but either way .........

The problem with that health care reform bill is that it did not go far enough. It's a fact that the most cost effective way of handling health care is through a universal single payer system. We pay TWICE per capita what most other industrialized nations do for health care, and we are amongst the least healthy people on the planet. "Health care" in this country is a joke. It's profit and greed first, and peoples health and well being second.

That's pretty sad if you ask me.
Wait till you get nobammy care brother, you do know that canada Prime minister came here for surgry two months ago.....if universal heath care is so great why would half the world travel here to get health care services?
Wait till you get nobammy care brother, you do know that canada Prime minister came here for surgry two months ago.....if universal heath care is so great why would half the world travel here to get health care services?
I grew up in Canada dude. I've experienced both countries version of health care, and I'm telling you that the single payer system in Canada is far superior to that of the United States. The "horror stories" that have been fed to you here on am radio about the Canadian system are few and far between. There are no people dying in Canada due to lack of health coverage. There are no people in financial ruin in Canada due to no health care coverage. There is a longer life expectancy in Canada, and a lower infant mortality rate in Canada ............ all at approximately HALF the price per capita as what we pay here.

Health care is a joke in this country. Fact.
Health care is a joke in this country. Fact.
Amen brother, Im sorry but if you disagree with this statement I would think the chance that you are not a health care professional is around 100%...The horror stories in the United States are far more numerous, what does some rich guy from Canada coming here to get some work done have to do with anything really? Absolutely nothing, that is a bunch of propaganda put out by someone or some people with an agenda.. Keep on falling for propaganda a little more buddy, turn off fox news.
Remember friends that another famous son of Michigan was Jack Kevorkian. He was all about compassion and made a bid for political office in 2008 based on enlightening people on the 9th amendment rights. This speaks to exactly that. He never intended to win, he was making a statement. The 9th amendment clearly states that as long as you are not harming anyone else's person or property you have the right to do what you want. The founding fathers were very clear on this and it is not open for debate or interpretation, yet here we are again - still!
Well looks like June is over pretty much and this proved to be rumors and empty threats - stop being scared guys and get out there get involved with your compassion clubs - we are growing stronger every day. Funny how they say they are targeting people when I see hundreds of people selling weed to people openly every frigin hour of the day. Power in numbers my friends.

It is getting so everyone and their mom is legal and they have too much to risk trying to prosecute people who just simply stay in their plant numbers - what are they going to do when the 73% that voted on this all have their cards...then what, whats going to happen when they get sued by some people for the smash & grabs that happened..I honestly suspect more than 73% of Michiganders smoke occasionally and could care less about stupid pot laws...The war on marijuana is over and LEO lost, dont be a victim of their scare tactics.
Well looks like June is over pretty much and this proved to be rumors and empty threats - stop being scared guys and get out there get involved with your compassion clubs - we are growing stronger every day. Funny how they say they are targeting people when I see hundreds of people selling weed to people openly every frigin hour of the day. Power in numbers my friends.

It is getting so everyone and their mom is legal and they have too much to risk trying to prosecute people who just simply stay in their plant numbers - what are they going to do when the 73% that voted on this all have their cards...then what, whats going to happen when they get sued by some people for the smash & grabs that happened..I honestly suspect more than 73% of Michiganders smoke occasionally and could care less about stupid pot laws...The war on marijuana is over and LEO lost, dont be a victim of their scare tactics.
I could'nt have said it better.
Well looks like June is over pretty much and this proved to be rumors and empty threats - stop being scared guys and get out there get involved with your compassion clubs - we are growing stronger every day. Funny how they say they are targeting people when I see hundreds of people selling weed to people openly every frigin hour of the day. Power in numbers my friends.

It is getting so everyone and their mom is legal and they have too much to risk trying to prosecute people who just simply stay in their plant numbers - what are they going to do when the 73% that voted on this all have their cards...then what, whats going to happen when they get sued by some people for the smash & grabs that happened..I honestly suspect more than 73% of Michiganders smoke occasionally and could care less about stupid pot laws...The war on marijuana is over and LEO lost, dont be a victim of their scare tactics.

Well put deprave. It's beyond insane that the plant is even considered to be bad for you, let alone being illegal! Baby steps, and we'll get there.
They are in desperate need of a life. All those shiny new toilets and cop cars they bought were paid for by guess who? Taxpayers? NO. They bought that shit and their crispy laptops with pot grow ops that were seized. Hell, just the "Potent Purps" bust alone netted close to ten million in asset seizers. MMJ might be making the state money somehow, but the State Boys are getting the shaft. They have a huge black hole of seizure money gone now, they are grasping at straws.

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Well looks like June is over pretty much and this proved to be rumors and empty threats - stop being scared guys and get out there get involved with your compassion clubs - we are growing stronger every day. Funny how they say they are targeting people when I see hundreds of people selling weed to people openly every frigin hour of the day. Power in numbers my friends.

It is getting so everyone and their mom is legal and they have too much to risk trying to prosecute people who just simply stay in their plant numbers - what are they going to do when the 73% that voted on this all have their cards...then what, whats going to happen when they get sued by some people for the smash & grabs that happened..I honestly suspect more than 73% of Michiganders smoke occasionally and could care less about stupid pot laws...The war on marijuana is over and LEO lost, dont be a victim of their scare tactics.

Um..not too fast brother. I guess they meant July. Look what's happening in Saginaw.
It can happen at any time there not gonna tell you when, They my be dumb fuck's but there not that stupid. This is why I wont get my card or become a caregiver to manny gray area's in the law and as someone stated above I don't wanna be there crash test dummy.
what are you talking about? theres no gray area in terms of becoming a patient or caregiver. the gray areas come with caqregivers pushing the limit and bending the rules ie; selling to any patient, selling to dispendsaries, growing over their plant count cuz some arent rooted etc..

to say thats why your not gonna become a patient/cg is silly.
i heard about alot of clubs being shut down toward middle michigan and its not looking good. they should just legalize the sale of marijuana from one patient to another for christ sake