Casey Anthonys Verdict is in!!! Post What You Think She'll Be Charged With!


Active Member
Ok... well so those jurors know exactly what happened to her daughter, and know 100% for sure she didnt do it??? NO! They dont know! They went by what they thought... after seeing all of the evidence. And i worded that way wrong, i know what i meant, but it does look pretty stupid. Ill give that one to you... but i dont think they should just have 12 morons in the jury and say its a fair trial. I think if majority of people think shes guilty after seeing the same evidence as they did, theyre the ones wrong! Youre literally making me sick that youre actually one of those few IDIOTS out there that think shes innocent. She had a fair trial. But she didnt have a fair verdict. More than just me would tell you that!


Well-Known Member
I've not followed the story at all... don't know any facts, but from what it sounds like... the system worked as it should.

The state was unable to prove beyond a doubt that she killed the child, and without that PROOF of GUILT... you are innocent.

God bless America!


Well-Known Member
Been away from tv and pc all day, just heard. I expected acquittal actually. Sure, I think she probably did it like most of you do, but I do not think they proved it. Not in the eyes of the law. The alternative scenario of an accident and coverup is plausible if doubtful. They just didn't have enough hard evidence. A circumstantial case is very hard to win.

The OJ verdict is the one that really shocked me. Saw that one live on tv where I work, we all stopped to watch it.


Well-Known Member
They found her not guilty because of how huge this trial was.
If they didn't make it a 3 year breaking news story she would have gotten life.


Active Member
Well whatever the case, she got off. It is what it is. Karma comes around for everyone sooner or later... It did for OJ and im sure it will for her too!


Well-Known Member
I cant fucking believe it and I take back all the negative shit I said about her lawyer.


Well-Known Member
nancy grace is a cunt.

she thinks she knows way more about the case than the jury... she said this on live tv. she's an idiot.
I despise that fucking bitch,she is so annoying.She used to be a DA,imagine if she was trying your case.


Well-Known Member
I despise that fucking bitch,she is so annoying.She used to be a DA,imagine if she was trying your case.
I HATE THAT CUNT, she get's on my nerves. She starts running her mouth to people about things that don't matter to her points or her show like shes trying to be smart about everything. She was on a TV in a hospital I was in today, and she was just doggin this black guy because he had the area code from his home city tatted on his neck. I was like, wait, didn't these people go through a screening process of some kind, or didn't you at least meet them ahead of time?. She's very petty IMO.

Also, it figures she was acquitted. My question now is, was this all planned this well from the get go, or did she just get lucky?


Well-Known Member
The Bitch goes on about the members of the jury not wanting their names out saying that they have no balls.
Thats right after she herself goes off about how stupid they are.
Gee if I had a chance for everyone to know about things I would rather keep quiet, get out to everyone in the world do you really think I would?? I think not!
I HOPE SHE GETS HIT BY A SUBWAY CAR while shes on her knees giving a homless man a BJ!!

Shit I could start a thread over who likes her and who don't..


Pickle Queen
See in cases like this i'm torn , do i support the legal system for not bending over emotions/media pressure or do I send out my own personal lynch mob to drag that bitch into a secluded field and see how she likes it!!!! I'm gonna smoke a bong and not think about this horrible act anymore.