

i know this might sound weird but my cat seems to love it in my grow room and i cant keep him out somehow. recently i saw him eating some of the bottom leaves that were starting to die off(awesome pruner lol)...should i be concerned with this and keep him out or is it ok if he does it?


Well-Known Member
Keep him out.I use to have a cat that enjoyed hanging out in my growroom and didnt think anything of it until he started to eat more than just a couple of leaves and actually killed a couple of plants and than i noticed that he was pissing in my containers that were soil filled.Keep his ass out


Active Member
My cat got into my grow room and ended up causing my 3 90w T5's to fall over. Keep it the fuck out. Also ,i can't imagine your cat being in your room is something the plants `like`


Well-Known Member
depends on you, my cats sleep freely in the flower room (love it) nibble the leaves bit, but not much, its been 2 years.

my pots are too small for them to piss in lol.

course when they were younger i had to keep an eye out and yell at them if they were treating it disrespectfully, no touching the small plants and only nibbling each plant bit (which they do, just sniff the small ones (they did eat a small one 2 years back or bit of it, but we had a talk)

i doubt older cats would be much of a problem, but like i said , depends on you.

the only real downside is that cats hairs stick in buds bit, but its not an overwhelming problem and the cats just love it in there (its like sleeping in the sunlight and cats originally come from africa, they dont mind water so much for example in southern countries (or are more easy about swimming anyway)they mostly hate water so much becuase they get so cold afterwards.)


Well-Known Member
My cat is always trying to play in my room. when it gets in there it loves it. The cat starts looking like it took some ecstacy and rolling around and purring hard. I'd let it in more often but I hate having to let it out the door. my grow is a secret so I can't leave the door open