Caught this fucker in my shower...


Well-Known Member
Caught two more smaller ones downstairs. I can live with one. Two means there's more. the third one just means they're everywhere.

Anyone know what these fuckers are about? Would they be breeding in the house/attic/walls or are they just coming inside? These spiders are not supposed to be where I live. A university wants to send people to my house for specimen collecting. Aren't I fucking special.


Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
id b straight out the door when i seen the 1st one. im not scared of spiders but if i seen a spider that i knew wasnt ment 2 b there, i would freak.


stays relevant.
they sleep with you at night... don't kill them. how will they crawl between the sheets and your body if they are dead?

-GT :)


Well-Known Member
they sleep with you at night... don't kill them. how will they crawl between the sheets and your body if they are dead?

-GT :)
That's not funny. I twitch and freak about every little tickle before I fall asleep. This is a really old ass house, and many holes and cracks need proper sealing.

This is a picture of a bite from this group of spiders.



stays relevant.
That's not funny. I twitch and freak about every little tickle before I fall asleep. I am in the process of moving my setup to a friend's house so i can get workers here to seal all the holes and cracks. This is a really old ass house.

This is a picture of a bite from this group of spiders.

thats a picture of britney spears vagina, isn't it?

good luck with everything... i would sleep in a hotel room now knowing the consequences of keeping those spiders around.


Well-Known Member
That looks like a very infected cut. Spider bites swell in small circles. I have those spiders too. I don't care, they like water and they eat really terrible bugs. Spiders are excellent pest control. They do not munch on plants and they eat most bugs that eat plants. They are very docile and I hardly notice them. If you cannot live with them then let them crawl on your hand and put them outside. They probably do not want to be there with you either. I do that whenever I get the vibe they are trapped here. I just let them go outside. That spider is so small too. They have an ecological purpose, as for us, I am not sure if we serve a purpose at all, that has yet to be proven because all we ever seem to do is destroy the earth.


Well-Known Member
Whose hand is that? That started with a very small cut that got to be very infected. Then they tried to sew it and then it got even more infected. You can't just take a needle with thread and try to sew your wounds. Everything has to be sterile. You can't just pull a string off an old sweater and use a pin to go through your flesh. That will eventually gangreen and that hand will have to come off - THE WHOLE HAND. They need to go to the emergency room pronto and get some shots. They will relieve the swelling and probably cut away at some of the infected flesh. In the meantime it needs to be cleaned with guaze pads and alcohol very regularly or hydrogen peroxide with a clean medic bandage wrapped around it 24-7 and an ice pack. Shit that is just uneccessary to let something like that get that bad.


Well-Known Member
That looks like a very infected cut. Spider bites swell in small circles. I have those spiders too. I don't care, they like water and they eat really terrible bugs. Spiders are excellent pest control. They do not munch on plants and they eat most bugs that eat plants. They are very docile and I hardly notice them. If you cannot live with them then let them crawl on your hand and put them outside. They probably do not want to be there with you either. I do that whenever I get the vibe they are trapped here. I just let them go outside. That spider is so small too. They have an ecological purpose, as for us, I am not sure if we serve a purpose at all, that has yet to be proven because all we ever seem to do is destroy the earth.
That wound is from the necrosis caused by the spider's venom. The venom kills more and more tissue as it spreads. Skin grafts and or huge ugly scars are not uncommon.

This particular spider was a bit bigger than a US 50 Cent Piece, legs and all. Not a small spider. Size isn't really a factor when it comes to spiders. The large species that live in the fields here are relatively harmless, yet they easily grow larger than tea saucers. The widows, on the other hand, are quite small by comparison, and can deliver a far more painful bite, usually causing some sort of systemic reaction to boot (one got my ring finger when i was in highschool, my whole hand swelled up and it hurt like hell. I had a fever and had trouble with equilibrium for a few hours. I also got that red line moving up my arm. not cool!)

They like water? You mean moisture or pools of water? During the summer months the climate here is pretty arid.


Well-Known Member
Lol thats not an infected cut, thats a mean ass spider bite. Brown recluse(sp), when they bite you your flesh actually starts to rott just like the picture. Very nasty spider and you should be alarmed. And thats what yours look like


Well-Known Member
It is a recluse, I just don't know what kind. I'm sending specimens to get them ID'd.

You can tell it's a recluse because of the eyes. 3 pairs of eyes (6) instead of 8. The uniform color on the hairy abdomen, the uniform color of the legs, the brown violin marking on it's head, and the eyes are combined traits of the loxosceles genus.


Well-Known Member
It is a recluse, I just don't know what kind. I'm sending specimens to get them ID'd.

You can tell it's a recluse because of the eyes. 3 pairs of eyes (6) instead of 8. The uniform color on the hairy abdomen, the uniform color of the legs, the brown violin marking on it's head, and the eyes are combined traits of the loxosceles genus.
I have always heard that a recluse moves because he was disturbed. For example, someone moves boxes in the attic or basement. Or you have a sliding door that does not move very often, and then gets pushed open. Even a build next door gets knocked down or remodeled will cause you to have a recluse problem.

That is what makes a recluse come out into the open.


Well-Known Member
It is a recluse, I just don't know what kind. I'm sending specimens to get them ID'd.

You can tell it's a recluse because of the eyes. 3 pairs of eyes (6) instead of 8. The uniform color on the hairy abdomen, the uniform color of the legs, the brown violin marking on it's head, and the eyes are combined traits of the loxosceles genus.

my mom was bitten on the back of her knee buy a brown recluse when we lived in colorado...very nasty....she had to have surgery on the affected area..i remember there were also black widows in our basement and out in the back yard....where i live today too.. there are a ton of them...due to my area being marshy with woods...they make my skin crawl...


New Member
OMG yikes!!!! :o :o:o
damn thats scary:twisted:ok I wasn't scared of spiders before but ....:|
That's not funny. I twitch and freak about every little tickle before I fall asleep. This is a really old ass house, and many holes and cracks need proper sealing.

This is a picture of a bite from this group of spiders.
