CFL 1st Grow =D


Active Member
Alright I'll try n get a hold of a pH measuring thingmy xD
And I'm glad it's nothin to worry about :)
Was shitting myself, cos I was thinkin if that was the only one to turn out female, and then it was a mongo
But yeah I really hope they're all female, doubt it tho
But I suppose wishful thinking never hurt anyone :)

I've managed to get some money, so I'll get the cheapest lot of mylar I can
But I wanna get fucked aswell seeing as I'm having a party tomorrow, and I've got one tae go to today :bigjoint:

But thanks very much guys, much appreciated :)

Aw yeah, when should I start adding fertz?
I think they're probably a week old now



Well-Known Member
Here's a cheap digital PH meter i use > pH 600 WATER TESTER Meter Milwaukee pH600 HYDROPONICS - eBay (item 380130590942 end time Jul-11-09 08:42:49 PDT)
Quote: "Aw yeah, when should I start adding fertz?
I think they're probably a week old now"
Depends on how rich your soil is, how big your pot is, and how big your plant gets.
But generally with any kind of decent soil you dont want to fertilize for about the 1st three weeks. Week 4 maybe start with a very low dose of something N heavy. Also depends on how long you wish to veg.
The tomato ferts you mentioned (NPK = 4-4.5-8 ) are not exactly what you want. You want something with the 1st number (nitrogen) is highest. Like a 20-10-10 And later in flower you want something with the 2nd number (phosphorus) highest.
The numbers are ratios. A 20-10-10 would be the same strength as a 10-5-5. So dont think that bigger numbers mean better fertilizer. Organic ferts are the best and will have small numbers. My Big Bloom is .01-.03-.07.


Active Member
Hey everyone
Sorry not been online in a while
Didn't feel the need as there was no updates

But there is now :)
Got the timer set to 18/6. Got a fan that I put on for most of the day with the grow box doors open, since theres no room for it in there :L
Got another couple lighting fixtures, although one is yet to be wired up
And I added a fish tank flouro I had kicking about, dno if it's worth it or not but where's the harm eh?
So all together I have 3 cfl's in there and the tube now
Just added one of the other type I had in there already
I forgot how old they are now XD
Gonna transplant them once I get some better soil and vermiculite or pearlite
I'll start adding ferts in 2 weeks from now, as I figure they are around 2 or 2 and a half weeks old
Growth has been pretty good, ones really taking off
Although I've noticed one is showing indica traits, and one sativa, and it's the sativa one thats taller, so it makes sense that they are two different phenotypes
Looking forward to harvest =D
Even though it's a good while down the line
They have a pretty ganjey smell to them now aswell :)

I'll upload pictures later on this evening

Cheers :mrgreen:


Active Member
There's hardly a fire hazard with CFL's and a flouro
And I've got some mylar type shit today, just using what I had kickin around
And I've never heard of peoples box's rotting durin grows...


Active Member
Changed again

Converted my fireplace, gonna add the mylar I bought to it tomorrow
Got it under the 2 cfls just now

Also found this shop that sells complete fixtures without the bulb for like 2 quid
And the bulbs are 79p

The plants are doin well, but the indica was a tad stretchy and the sativa (im sure) is showing Nitrogen and Phos. deficiencies
Cos the bottow leaves had turned yellow and some of the stems were purple
So I added Miracle Gro as it its 15/25/15
Best thing I had
Supposed to be 15ml per liter of water, but I added 2 liters worth to over 3 liters
Cos I've read its a bad idea to add fertz full strength straight away

And the other yellow bits are from where the plants grew up and hit the bulbs and burned a bit

But yeah heres some pics
Not the best, I was using my webcam showin them to a mate of mine




Active Member
man they're lookin bigger since them last time i saw them:) by the way what shop did you get the cheap fixtures from, do you mean that it comes with attached wire and shit? coz im in need of that now:P, loving the edited face btw(Y)


Active Member
Right, I'm actually getting my shit together
Transplanted the 2 WW's into Coco, and took a little cutting for a neighbour of mine, who's lending me a 400w HPS in the next week or too
And gave me the coco and some gear for free
And I smoked THE best shit of my life last night...this guy has commercially grown over 40 strains over the years, and smoked it all, and this shit, he said was "fucking strong"
Really well grown, trimmed and cured NL5xPure Haze
Such a potent smoke
Also got a bag of really nice skunk aswell xD

But yeah, getting my shit together now like :)
And I topped one of the plants, one because I'll need to and ,two, to take a clone from

Tips folk?
Nice man, your grow is similar to mine except I haven't been using too many nutrients. I hope my plants grow a bit taller just like those last couple of pictures you had.

I used three cfl's also and still am, lol. I'm going to put my plants into flowering in a week or so and I'm just waiting for them to grow some more leaves first. Visit my thread and tell me what you think.


Active Member
Will do man
Gonna upload photo's soon
They're doin ok, I over fed them Miracle Gro so it's back onto the water for a few weeks
They seem to be taking to the coco quite well too
The leaves at the node of the topped one grew up at a near vertical angle and burnt a bit on one of the fingers
Happens too often x@
Cos the CFL's are close n that

Can't wait till my 400w HPS arrives :D


Active Member
:shock:Had a bit of trouble with the five-o:shock:

Should be cool now tho, someone tipped them off about my grow, so I've got em in a rubbermaid tub in my garden
It's decent enough weather the now so they shouldn't come to much harm

400w arrives when my neighbour leaves for holiday sometime this week or next

I'll actually upload pics 2moz



Active Member
Police took them
My garden had been vandalized, and my dad was showing them and giving a statement, and they found the plants
Lucky enough it was a communal garden, so if nobody in our stair owned up, nobody got busted
Although my neighbour had to get rid of his NL5xHaze plants :(
I was in tears about loosing his plants aswell as mine

Awell fuck the Five-O
Gonna grow again soon
Thanks to the folk who actually showed interest :)


Well-Known Member
Nice job actually dude. I like it. and I have been growing for about a year and a half now. I have always used CFL lights.. I do have a hps/mh light. But I don't use it because it threw my electric bill alll outa whack. I don't need that kind of attention around my house. Ya dig? :)

Oh. FYI for man. Just trying to help, you can use Tin-Foil bro. Just make sure you use the dull side facing outwards twoards the lights and plants. It's the bright side of the foil that you shouldn't use as it can cause burn spots on your leafs. Hope that help ya some. ;)

Peace and happy growing to ya.


Active Member
sorry to hear mate :( when you told me on msn i was like 'oh shit.' man just realising you coulda called and could have grew them untill youd think the cops are off your back? anyway man good luck , must have been painfull watching them get taken away:(
fancy a smoke soon ?
and how gd is ss and telegrow man?!?


Active Member
What happened????
some one tipped the police about his grow, so he hid them in this garden (thats is shared with the flat) they had been out there for about a week, when the police came, and found the plants. the police didnt have much evidence to prove who they belonged to though, and as the garden is shared , they couldnt blaim one person and not the others, so they just took the plants away and destroyed them.....very unlucky (N):cry: