CFL auto big bang, lowrider #2- Outdoor Chrystal and Exodus Cheese....Indiana, USA

This is not my first grow, however I have not grown outdoors yet and this is my first Soil grow. I grew hydro about 5 years ago but had to ditch my crop due to breaking roomates jaw and the insuing cop paranoia.

I will be starting all of the plants indoors under CFL stealth grow box and transplanting the non autos outdoors after chance of frost is gone. So far my Exodus Cheese is the only seed that has popped after 2 days. I will post pictures as soon as I have them all transferred.
As of right now, all of the seeds have sprouted. I will hit up the hydro shop on my way home from one of my engineering classes and pick up some humboldt soil and some nutes. Has anyone had any luck with this brand? I am also wondering if any of you may be able to recommend affordable nutes that do well both inside and out. I am currently toying with the idea of going organic as I care more about quality than quanity.
I threw my seedlings into 4 clear plastic cups. The Chrystal and the Auto Big Bang are looking like 2 healthy girls while the Exodus Cheese and Lowryder#2 are slow to emerge(The seed tops are just now showing through the grow medium.) The medium I chose for seedling growth was MiracleGro Organic because the guy at the Hydro Shop flat out bashed Fox Farms. All in all the miracleGro's ph is 7.5 which I plan on lowering with some PH down. I plan on transplanting the seedlings into the Humboldt soil after I see a nice root ball develop. My damn Camera's battery is dead so I will post updates as soon as they charge. I will also be making a trip to the pet store for some carbon pellets and to the auto store to buy a air filter. I will also pick up some organic nutes from hydro shop as I have decided natural is the way to grow.
From left to Right--The first pic is my stealth grow box, I still need to find a better home for it.:) 2. Auto Big Bang 3. Lowryder#2 4.)Chrystal 5) overhead view of growbox 6) Exodus Cheese, sorry about the blurriness but my camera died when shooting it.

I know this setup looks super cheap, but my wife does not even know what is in the box so the stealthiness is working to a max. I will make upgrades such as adding more mylar to shelf(Box) and improve the way the lights hang. I just need the wife to be out of the house for a few hours GODWILLING!!!


Since this morning, The Cheese and Lowrider have caught up with the other plants. I tested soil ph this morning and it came in at a whopping 7.5-8. I added some nitrogen (urea) and diluted lime juice/water and retested it at 7.0. I hope it is not too early to start a Nute plan, but when I grew hydro I hit it hard and often. Miracle Gro is not a recommended soil for a reason I guess, but hopefully I have it under control. In a few days I will add some more of the lime juice mixture to hopefully bring it down to 6.5 but for now I'm happy with 7.0. I found a new place for the box in the closet of my office. I lightproofed the doors and now I can turn the lights on 24 hours without my wife even knowing.

Hopefully by Friday I can start LST.

Just fired up some Diesel Nugs.... mmm tasty treat
I have noticed a slight burn on the EC. It is not from the lights, yet probably from the miracle Gro. Friday I will be going to the hydro shop to get some FF Light Warrior, hopefully this will clear it up. The low Ryder has signs of stunted growth, probably from the same thing. The Chrystal and the Auto Big Bang are coming along on schedule, 2 healthy little girls.
I went to the hydro shop today and purchased some Happy Frog Soil and a few 8 inch pots. I transplanted them a few minutes ago into their new homes but the root balls somewhat fell apart from the cheap medium that miracle grow is. I think they will pull through but I expect to see some stunted growth for the next few days. The Exodus Cheese plant died from over ferts in the Miracle Gro so the transplant was kind of an emergency. The Chrystal, Lowrider, and Big Bang all look great so far, pictures will follow up tomorrow while my wife is at work:)

PH 6.5 in the Happy Frog so I am happy for now I suppose

Day 10

The first five pictures are the Bigbang Auto. The second set of 4 pictures is of the Lowrider2, and the final pictures are of the Chrystal.

When the weather brightens up a bit I will be putting these outside. I have a grow site selected and I will go take pictures in a few minutes.

They do look small because they are, I do not have enough lights on them to be very effective. As soon as I get paid I will be getting a 150w hps and start the next batch of seeds I have ordered. The next grow will be Train Wreck, White Castle, Northern Lights, and Subcool's Cheesequake
I just noticed that the pictures are out of order from when I took them. Smoke another one I guess lol. The pot with the paper in it is LR2 and the final 3 pics are of the Chrystal. The rest are Auto Big Bangs.
I have begun to train my plants for the outdoors switch. I have introduced my plants to the full sun light by sequentially adding an hour of natural light every day.

The plants seem happy for now with this and have begun to grow in a nice spurt.

The only thing that worries me about this group is how close the nodes are to each other. I did not get a stretching effect with the CFLS like I thought I would, leading to a lacking of bigger budsites. 2-3 more weeks before the auto flowers go flower. I cannot tell you accurately as to which plant is which but I'd say we will find out soon regardless. Thanks for stopping by!

I can tell you that each of the front profile (3) views is a different plant.


No pictures for this update. The plants are just now developing their 4th set of nodes. I have been doing a little LST to them with excellent results. The plants are short and very bushy which is the way I like them. Odor control is my next concern as I can already smell the plants.
I will be posting new pics. Since my last post, my autos have begun to flower. I have even cut one bud off of my Big Bang and dried it to smoke. It was quite tasty and I acheived an euphoric happy type of high. It wasn't cured the proper way but I like the prospects of this plant.


nice job so far ;) I also have 2 big bang outdoor but mine are just in day 10 :D I was wandering when did your girls showed their sex?


Well-Known Member
I grow autos year round in a tent....start and finish all in Humboldt soil using BioBizz nutes throughout and the combo has consistantly given me good yeilds and healthy plants....
Sorry I got sidetracked with this grow. I still have the plants. I have begun to flush my Auto Big Bang as the cola is almost complete, but all the leaves are turning yellow. My Lowrider #2 has finally started to flower. It is almost twice the size of the Big Bang and is looking very healthy. I would put pictures up but my camera is dead from shooting pictures of Blue Angels. I am planning on cutting my Big Bang down on Friday to dry and cure. I will let you know of smoke report and Bud Porn then. The buds are currently of decent size and are kind of green and Orange with lots of red hairs and maybe a hint of white.
nice job so far ;) I also have 2 big bang outdoor but mine are just in day 10 :D I was wandering when did your girls showed their sex?
My Auto Big Bang showed sex within 3 weeks of seed. The Lowrider Showed at 5-6 weeks, and of course I am still vegging my Chrystal plant. I ordered more seeds last week. I ordered Auto Blue Himalaya and New York Power Diesel. The Free seeds I will be getting from single seed centre are BCN Diesel and Auto Head Band.

I have added many lights since they were seedlings. I even found a few 67 watt CFLs, 300 watt equiv.