
Just purchased today, a powerplant sun in a box cfl grow light, 300wt, and purchased a red glow flowering bulb, I haven't yet set it up cause I'm half way threw flowering, easy kush and bigbang2,wich currently are below a 250hps, tho I have read some things on here an other sites that cfl has basically no heat nor as much light, is this true and have I wasted money or..... :?:I kno I cud use it for vegatation, but I need better yield results and bud development on my babys,, I thought this wud do the trick,.. Any body got any tips, or advice, I'm not hydro, I'm in soil. It's a budget grow :lol::?:

Yea see that' was my first reaction and thought but a good friend who grows reckons that it wud not make any difference, not to sure wat to do at the moment, thanks for your reply


Well-Known Member
Well I can assure you that it WILL make a difference. Anytime you can add more light to a flowering plant and still control the temps, do it. I have no idea why your friend would say that.


Well-Known Member
Yea I don't know what kind of experience you friend has with growing but like pacificarage said as long as you can keep temps in check more light= More Bud, a 300W flowering CFL can grow some pretty nice bud just by its self, wont see much for yield but supplement it to a 250W HPS and it will most assuredly make a difference. Until you hear the same thing from three or more EXPERIENCED people, take it with a grain of salt and not as fact, your going to hear a lot of BS from people who don't know what their talking about so always validate what you hear from someone who knows their shit.