Cfls and autoflowers


Active Member
hello peeps would i be able to put 16 autos under a 250w CFL for the first 2 to 3 weeks of there lives so they will nearly be flowering when my next lot are done? any help asap would be great!:???:


you will be fine maybe add a small cfl or two, but it won't hurt it enough to not make up for the somewhat perpetual harvest. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
It will make a big difference, especially with autoflowers. with autoflowers if you want to do really good you need to get them to take off right way and veg as quickly as possible because you've only got a limited amount of veg time and how big your plant can veg to can greatly influence the final yeild. At least in my experience.


Well-Known Member
It will make a big difference, especially with autoflowers. with autoflowers if you want to do really good you need to get them to take off right way and veg as quickly as possible because you've only got a limited amount of veg time and how big your plant can veg to can greatly influence the final yeild. At least in my experience.
thats no shit, my auto's stopped growing all together under only veg light after the first week, and went a week before I got 3000k. After I changed they started growing fine, but that week with an auto is permanent damage I already know isn't going to be made up. I'd almost suggest starting those basterds off with flowering light since technically they're supposed to skip the veg state all together (though in my case they had at least 1 week of straight veg, or the 6500k wouldn't have done well the first week like it did) if its a 6500 DEFINITELY get some smaller cfl's in there that are 3000k as soon as humanely possible...


Active Member
thats no shit, my auto's stopped growing all together under only veg light after the first week, and went a week before I got 3000k. After I changed they started growing fine, but that week with an auto is permanent damage I already know isn't going to be made up. I'd almost suggest starting those basterds off with flowering light since technically they're supposed to skip the veg state all together (though in my case they had at least 1 week of straight veg, or the 6500k wouldn't have done well the first week like it did) if its a 6500 DEFINITELY get some smaller cfl's in there that are 3000k as soon as humanely possible...
nice one brov you saved some time and money there lol. il just get anuva hps then i recon. would a 250w hps be anuf light for the first 2 to 3 weeks brov?


Well-Known Member
Oh yea, that should definitely do it. with 16 space might get a bit tight, but I don't see there being any problems, it'll give them the flowering spectrum they seem to crave so desperately...
250w hps for fresh seedlings? or 250w cfl? it can be done either way, but best results are always with the better light. Just make sure you give those seedlings some good space from any hps, those babies are delicate. i've mostly gone with floros for my seedlings to save $ for the first week or two tho, i'd say you kno your conditions best make just make an educated decision. :)


Well-Known Member
It will make a big difference, especially with autoflowers. with autoflowers if you want to do really good you need to get them to take off right way and veg as quickly as possible because you've only got a limited amount of veg time and how big your plant can veg to can greatly influence the final yeild. At least in my experience.
this is pretty true... autos are "easy" in that you don't have to mess with changing light cycles and they finish faster "in most cases" but to maximise your yield i think it is more difficult with autos. you are working on a strict time schedule. if you mess something up and stunt the growth of an auto, you are going to see it in your end result. with a photoperiod plant you can just veg it longer but you don't have that luxury with an auto.


Well-Known Member
One thing I forgot to mention. The only place they're is any room for adjustment is how long you flower, ie mine are supposed to be ready as early as 8 weeks, as late as 10. Being impatient, I had planned to pick them at 8, with that setback I'll be giving them the whole 10. But yea, as opposed to traditional strains, not a lot of room for error...


Active Member
One thing I forgot to mention. The only place they're is any room for adjustment is how long you flower, ie mine are supposed to be ready as early as 8 weeks, as late as 10. Being impatient, I had planned to pick them at 8, with that setback I'll be giving them the whole 10. But yea, as opposed to traditional strains, not a lot of room for error...
ok mate thanks for all your help and anyone els that ad some input let me know if anyone thinks of anything els please peeps! thanks