CFLs and Flowering Stage


Well-Known Member
Yes if you pick up 2700K bulbs. It wont be as good as an HPS, but plenty of people do it with decent results. Just don't use the 6500k ones for flower.


Well-Known Member
not all flouros are in the blue spectrum. you should look for ones in the 2700k range for flowering.


Well-Known Member
CFL Bulbs if used correctly, can produce great results. As stated before, just get the correct spectrum.


Well-Known Member
you can use both 2700k and 6500k to flower, it's recommended that you go with 2700k but some mix thier spectrum. You can go through an entire grow with 6500k light spectrum but with lacking results, it's the light cycle that will get your girls flowering not the spectrum. Don't get the 4100k they don't work well for veg or flower. stay high


Well-Known Member
I'm currently 4 days into 12/12 with straight CFL's i have 4 2700k and 2 6500k and they are growing good, i'll let you know how they are going in about 2 weeks when they truly start to flower. I also have a seedling i threw in there to see how it will go