Changing light strength when I sleep


Well-Known Member
Yo guys,

My cab is still under construction, so atm i've got the doors open with the light spilling out and the fan make it well noisy. As such, when I sleep i switch my 400w hps for like a 60W bulb. The light goes off for four hours anyway and so they only really have four hours of weak light (I sleep for about 8).

I know 60W is not enough for my plants (they are only small seedlings atm), but I was wondering if this changing the light does any harm to them or not?

Thanks a lot =)


Well-Known Member
yep, no light is better than weak light. Actually have read on this forum that a plant grows more efficiently during darkness, because it doesn't have to store energy and use energy at the same time, it just uses it, or something like that.


I have 3x105w CFLs in my veg box; one 2700k and two 6500k's. Every night at midnight the 6500k's kick off, then come back on at 6:00am. The 2700k stays on 24/7, so I do something kind of similar. (The reason for this is I haven't picked up another power strip and only have 2 outlets available for my timer.) It works, but in your case I would just turn the lights off completely at night, forget about the 60watt. If they are getting 18 hours of that 400w a day, you are fine to just turn the lights off for 6 hours. Will save you some money as well.


New Member
stick to your photoperiod and dont change lamps.
manipulating the lighting can lead to hermies.
use 1 lamp and stick with the lighting schedule.
