Chauvin Trial

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
CCGNZ, do you have kids? If you disciplined your kids by whacking them with a stick and used that excuse “you put yourself in that situation” would you be a good parent? And if another parent knew you were whacking your kid with a stick and didn’t say anything would the other parent not be just as guilty for that child’s suffering? Floyd was fucking murdered, other cops watched!!! IMO there should be no debate about it. The only debate should be how to fix the continuous murdering of marginalized people by psychotic cops on a power trip with a gun. I for one am sick of reading about these murders by fucking cops wanting to be Mel Gibson. Killed for trying to pass a fake $20 FFS. I’ve met quite a few cops and the majority were ok guys/women (most of those are long gone) but there’s the ones that are complete fucking power tripping assholes and they have no business being cops let alone carry a gun...... but yet there they are and none of their peers say anything due to the “code”. The excuse that they are not properly trained is weak.....killing someone should be the last option and it’s becoming the first if a person of colour it seems.


Well-Known Member
It's not okay to be an asshole and only a racist asshole would do that. So I'd start by ignoring his premise and going directly for the throat. It's okay to be any color or creed, obviously he is feeling victimized, but he's just staging a meme in his backyard for the picture, if he ventured out into public someone might take him up on it.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
It's not okay to be an asshole and only a racist asshole would do that. So I'd start by ignoring his premise and going directly for the throat. It's okay to be any color or creed, obviously he is feeling victimized, but he's just staging a meme in his backyard for the picture, if he ventured out into public someone might take him up on it.
Thank you for weighing in with your opinion. Yes, it's okay to be any color.

Although, I don't really like Smurfs, they smell funny.


Well-Known Member
I’ve simplified my life since the outbreak of Covid. It’s changed me. I put people into 2 categories now; either you’re part of the solution or you’re part of the problem.
Unfortunately, categorizing a diverse population into two simplistic options is, in fact, a large part of the problem.

Moral indignation is cancer.


Well-Known Member
Don't want to ruffle feathers dude ,was refering to latest episodes,Rev. Al is talking like there is no wrong done in these situations,I said specifically that these people certainly didn't deserve to die,but cmon man they are involved in shit that is wrong and take no responsibility for the actions that put them in the situation that led to this shit.the 13yo is out late w a 21yo gangbanger on parole w/guns REALLY 13 yo where are the parents here. Floyd tried to pass a bogus 20 that his cousin tried to pass 1 hr. earlier at the same store. Sharpton doesn't even mention this. The girl w/knive was going off crazy,point is where is the accountability man,they shouldn't be dead but they are not walking in the park man and I'm not hearing that hey maybe we should clean up our act a little bit,I'm hearing that they were flat out innocent and then executed.ccguns
Believe it or not, criminals are why we have the laws we have, not innocent people. Example: the Miranda warning. It took three criminals to give us that warning. Here's the skinny on the whole thing:

You have the right to remain silent. (5th Amendment)
If you give up the right to remain silent, anything that you say can be used against you in a court of law. (5th Amendment)
You have the right to an attorney. (5th Amendment)
You have the right to have an attorney present during any questioning. (Escobedo)
If you can not afford an attorney, one will be provided at no cost. (Gideon)
Do you understand these rights as I have explained them to you? (Miranda)

That is the bare bones Miranda warning. You can add to it, and many jurisdictions do, but you can not subtract from it.

It's important to note that Escobedo, Gideon and Miranda were all guilty as hell. Every single one of them. But that doesn't mean that their constitutional rights don't matter. The same applies to the 13 year old and to George Floyd.

That they committed a crime is a moot point. That they weren't "good citizens" is also moot. Their rights were violated in the most extreme manner possible. That is the only point that matters.

Passing a bogus bill does not warrant the death penalty.
Being a stupid kid playing with guns doesn't warrant the death penalty.

The police in this nation have a serious reckoning coming. It is long overdue.


Well-Known Member
Believe it or not, criminals are why we have the laws we have, not innocent people. Example: the Miranda warning. It took three criminals to give us that warning. Here's the skinny on the whole thing:

You have the right to remain silent. (5th Amendment)
If you give up the right to remain silent, anything that you say can be used against you in a court of law. (5th Amendment)
You have the right to an attorney. (5th Amendment)
You have the right to have an attorney present during any questioning. (Escobedo)
If you can not afford an attorney, one will be provided at no cost. (Gideon)
Do you understand these rights as I have explained them to you? (Miranda)

That is the bare bones Miranda warning. You can add to it, and many jurisdictions do, but you can not subtract from it.

It's important to note that Escobedo, Gideon and Miranda were all guilty as hell. Every single one of them. But that doesn't mean that their constitutional rights don't matter. The same applies to the 13 year old and to George Floyd.

That they committed a crime is a moot point. That they weren't "good citizens" is also moot. Their rights were violated in the most extreme manner possible. That is the only point that matters.

Passing a bogus bill does not warrant the death penalty.
Being a stupid kid playing with guns doesn't warrant the death penalty.

The police in this nation have a serious reckoning coming. It is long overdue.
Absolutely Taco,I almost finished a associates degree in Criminal Justice was considering career in Law Enf. father passed away and that was that,It makes me sick when I see straight up police brutality and many cops sign up for the wrong reasons,but I bet 90% are decent and everyone who feels they got the shit end of the stick still calls 911 expecting things to get fixed right,so I don't know how this ends,sure some form of restructuring can be done,but who has the skill set to deal w/the spectrum of shit cops are called to deal with?In these situations I guess I'm wondering why common sense can't prevail,but I'm not in the moment w/adrenaline and split second decisions being made.And believe me I've personally been stopped by police at least 20 times,been searched,had vehicle searched,been arrested once,so I know what's up.Police who recklessly practice their profession should pay a price higher than a citizen because the trust and oath they violate causes way more damage than a civilians misdeeds.All I know is this is a FKN mess and I hope cities don't burn to the ground to resolve it .ccguns


Well-Known Member
You people act like I'm a far right racist for just plainly taking a 360 degree view of things, I hold the door for colored people man,I rheemed Chauvin and VA cops over treatment of military officer, I gave rides to a Puerto Rican dude to work, and I've had more than my fair share of police interaction myself,at the same time when you feel you've been screwed I bet you still call 911 expecting help am I right. BAD COPS SUCK, some form of restructuring needs to happen, we are always going to need someone to mediate disputes and maintain some form of order for a civilized society to exist.ccguns

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I’ve changed my policy on wasting time with people that I consider to be part of the problem.

You can call it moral indignation. I just call it better time management.

Time management of barking up the right tree can be very satisfying.

If the problem / solution human conundrum is a binary thing, it could be stated that there are people who initiate aggression and those who don't.

Would it then be accurate to extrapolate people that initiate aggression as being "part of the problem" ?


Well-Known Member
Absolutely Taco,I almost finished a associates degree in Criminal Justice was considering career in Law Enf. father passed away and that was that,It makes me sick when I see straight up police brutality and many cops sign up for the wrong reasons,but I bet 90% are decent and everyone who feels they got the shit end of the stick still calls 911 expecting things to get fixed right,so I don't know how this ends,sure some form of restructuring can be done,but who has the skill set to deal w/the spectrum of shit cops are called to deal with?In these situations I guess I'm wondering why common sense can't prevail,but I'm not in the moment w/adrenaline and split second decisions being made.And believe me I've personally been stopped by police at least 20 times,been searched,had vehicle searched,been arrested once,so I know what's up.Police who recklessly practice their profession should pay a price higher than a citizen because the trust and oath they violate causes way more damage than a civilians misdeeds.All I know is this is a FKN mess and I hope cities don't burn to the ground to resolve it .ccguns
I try to think of it going even slightly further. Mostly every is a good person almost all the time.

But between those moments you are describing above, and being humans mean some days things are just going to go to shit and on those days/weeks/months is when bad things happen.

It is something that we need to step up to the plate as a society and figure out a better way to police ourselves.

IMO police, who are out in public, should be treated far more like high level athletes.


Well-Known Member
You people act like I'm a far right racist for just plainly taking a 360 degree view of things, I hold the door for colored people man,I rheemed Chauvin and VA cops over treatment of military officer, I gave rides to a Puerto Rican dude to work, and I've had more than my fair share of police interaction myself,at the same time when you feel you've been screwed I bet you still call 911 expecting help am I right. BAD COPS SUCK, some form of restructuring needs to happen, we are always going to need someone to mediate disputes and maintain some form of order for a civilized society to exist.ccguns
For what it's worth, I don't think you are coming off as far right.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, categorizing a diverse population into two simplistic options is, in fact, a large part of the problem.

Moral indignation is cancer.
While I appreciate the nuance, it misses the point and you are doing it yourself, Canuck sees the world in more than black and white and so do I. Most of the people who are vaccine reluctant (other than younger people for different reasons) are ideologically driven and this is backed up by data, they most often come as a package deal, with disinformation and bigotry.

Saying that they are misinformed and cannot properly asses relative risks is not inappropriate and with this pandemic and the issue of vaccines, you are either part of the problem or the solution (we understand some people have medical reasons). The same applies to those who supported Trump, they were part of the problem and not part of the solution. Both are binary choices with two simple options and they self selected.

Moral indignation is normal and is reserved for antisocial behaviors, humans have been ejecting people from groups for a long time and it is perfectly normal and natural. Moral indignation is not cancer, there is a scientific bases for both morality and ethics and it is to be found in human social evolutionary history. We form hierarchically structured sharing communities to meet challenges and solve problems and such communities must share a common belief and purpose to a certain extent. The modern world is a refection of these behaviors and your statement about moral indignation was simply wrong and incongruent with the human condition.

If someone murdered your family you wouldn't catch cancer, but would react in a natural and correct way. In the world in which we evolved, if it was with out justice, forgiveness or retribution would be your only options, another binary choice. Most of the time the chief provided justice and ostracized the offender, in effect imposing a death sentence. The moral indignation of the clan/tribe would compel him to do it or there would be trouble.


Well-Known Member
Time management of barking up the right tree can be very satisfying.

If the problem / solution human conundrum is a binary thing, it could be stated that there are people who initiate aggression and those who don't.

Would it then be accurate to extrapolate people that initiate aggression as being "part of the problem" ?
This time last year I would have given a thoughtful reply to your query.

I now refer you to my post (#447) with my updated policy regarding time wasting.


Well-Known Member
Appreciate that man ,caught flak for merely asking what's up with accountability.ccguns
No worries. This is why I always stick to the schrodingers cat analogy with other online accounts (is the cat in the box with a bomb that may or may not have gone off alive or dead, but in this case is the account posting real or is it a troll, there is no way to know unless you were able to open up the box and see). It gets too easy to get caught up with people trolling you.

And always remember you have a ignore feature. Shot 2021-04-25 at 10.07.05 AM.png


Well-Known Member
I think jumping people's shit when they are asking honest questions or explaining their views is bogus. Shuts down discussion and growth. I'm way over to the left, not many are gonna share my exact views, but insisting on ideological purity or whatever is gonna lead to failure. Big tents that allow a spectrum of views are the way to go, same with discussing a range of ideas.


Well-Known Member
I think jumping people's shit when they are asking honest questions or explaining their views is bogus. Shuts down discussion and growth. I'm way over to the left, not many are gonna share my exact views, but insisting on ideological purity or whatever is gonna lead to failure. Big tents that allow a spectrum of views are the way to go, same with discussing a range of ideas.

I would add to it though that shutting down bullshit propaganda so that people can have a actual discussing is necessary to having honest conversations.


Well-Known Member
No worries. This is why I always stick to the schrodingers cat analogy with other online accounts (is the cat in the box with a bomb that may or may not have gone off alive or dead, but in this case is the account posting real or is it a troll, there is no way to know unless you were able to open up the box and see). It gets too easy to get caught up with people trolling you.

And always remember you have a ignore feature. attachment 4887125
Thanks for the thoughts,I'm aware of the medium I'm in, I've made the decision to treat people w/respect on this site and refrain from personal insults etc, I alway's embraced the warrior mentality and I have enough common sense to know anyone can be a bad ass killer when behind a computer screen separated by miles and anonominity,so I can handle it, you just won't see me getting off by calling people who don't even know who I am or what I'm about all kinds of obscenities to pose or make myself feel better cause I know who I am ccguns