Che Guevara Flags in Obama's Houston Office


New Member
You Sir, are an absolute cunt. How many more Nazi Zealots will this thread throw up? It's the only interesting thing about it. Fuck you shit-heel red-neck cracker pig fuckers. Get off our Land.:peace:
Looks like at least one more nazi-zealot has joined our ranks. Hi psychlo.


New Member
hahaha, shit i get more pussy then half you mother fuckers. i dont need to prove myself to you mother fuckers though
Assuming half the posters are woman:roll:, and they got pussy, don't have to get it, your probably right. Probably.


New Member
Debbie O'Hara -- So, Who Was Really Emancipated by Lincoln's Proclamation?

The Truth about Lincoln

It's nearly that time of year again, President's Day, when children in the government schools will be taught about that "Great Emancipator", Republican President Abraham Lincoln. Obviously these schools don't actually have the children read the document or they would know better. I have certainly come to understand that when government schools put a lot of emphasis into extolling a particular person or cause, it is oftentimes a politically correct fairy tale. The truth behind the American Civil War and Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation are no exception.
Children today are taught that Lincoln was a champion of equality and that the main cause for the War Between the States was to abolish slavery, but an honest study of history does not support that view. Lincoln in his own words tells us something quite different. On Aug. 21, 1858 in his first debate with Stephen Douglas, on the subject of emancipation Lincoln stated, " Free them, and make them politically and socially our equals? My own feelings will not admit of this… We cannot, then, make them equals." In that same debate Lincoln acknowledged the right of slaveowners to their property and said "when they remind us of their constitutional rights (to own slaves), I acknowledge them, not grudgingly but fully and fairly; and I would give them any legislation for the reclaiming of their fugitives". What Lincoln promised was that he would support the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 which would put the full power of the Federal government behind making sure that slaves would be returned to their owners. Does that sound like someone who was against slavery? Slavery was already dying out in many places and would have most likely died a natural death if the Fugitive Slave Act was simply not enforced.
Could it be that Lincoln changed his mind once he reached the presidency? No way. In his first Inaugural Address he says, " I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so." In this speech he again promised to strengthen the Fugitive Slave Law. Notice that Lincoln mentions he does not intend to interfere with slavery IN THE STATES WHERE IT EXISTS. Like most politicians Lincoln talked out of both sides of his mouth, but generally if you heard him speaking out against slavery he was talking about the EXPANSION of slavery into the new territories. He wanted all new territories to be preserves for whites only. If you check it out, you will find that the North had a far more inhumane "Black Code" than the South did. Many Northerners actually feared emancipation because they did not want free Blacks moving up North to live among them.
Trying to stop a Civil War can be a real bitch, huh. I'm sure ol Debbie knows that. Republican bias? Ya think?


New Member
Soooo, you can dish it out, but taking it is so painful eh, Kudos to that poster. I believe he has you figured out.
Should I write, "I'm a Nazi fuck", ten times to prove I'm not bothered by your childish name calling?:mrgreen: You, at least, should know this by now. If it wasn't for your sides name calling, I'd have to post with substance every time. Every now and again, fine, but every time?:mrgreen:


New Member
Trying to stop a Civil War can be a real bitch, huh. I'm sure ol Debbie knows that. Republican bias? Ya think?
Yeah asshole, like you were there. I wonder how this great plethora of knowledge has filtered through your pea brain without leaving any semblance of reasoning. BTW, Idiota-assholio


New Member
Yeah asshole, like you were there. I wonder how this great plethora of knowledge has filtered through your pea brain without leaving any semblance of reasoning. BTW, Idiota-assholio
In that regard Mao, I can't compete with you. I wasn't there. Damn! I knew you were advanced in age, but this is ridiculous.

PS-you look up Frederick Douglas? Don't take my word for it, take the word of a black orator, and one of the foremost leaders of the abolitionist movement, who himself, as you, lived in Lincolns time.


New Member
You are and always will be, a fanny with ears. and it's Psyclone, actually you purblind cockhead.
HA. no, sorry I have been waiting for this opportunity. you are an "Vagina Face" to be exact.
Fucking great, maybe Amerika has a chance of getting a president who isn't a complete Cunt. Cuba Si! Yanqui No! :hump:
You Sir, are an absolute cunt. How many more Nazi Zealots will this thread throw up? It's the only interesting thing about it. Fuck you shit-heel red-neck cracker pig fuckers. Get off our Land.:peace:
Its three strikes your out, Psychlo. What are you still swinging at?:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
In 1850 the issue on the table was "states rights". Slavery was a part of that issue. What ever Lincoln said, he knew the result of the states rights claim. He used some political double-talk to expand the rights of slaves. Emancipation elevated Negroes to second-class citizens. They were no longer chattel. They would never appear on a census again with cattle and mules. Negroes would have recorded names.

Abraham Lincoln was a great man.


New Member
The War Between The States was about succession, not slavery. Lincoln, in violation of the Bill of Rights, used the power of the federal government to deny Southern States their right to split from what they saw as an oppressive, central government. In the process, 600,000 Americans were slaughtered on the battlefields in their own back yards.



New Member
Lincoln came out as a great man in spite of himself, but history is not like the 6th grade history books, on many subjects, not just Lincoln. Those McGraw hill books are pre read and either redacted or changed to suit the current government before they ever go to print. For Christs sake, My sons 11th grade history book had 2 short paragraphs on the Viet Nam war That summed it up like this: The Viet Nam war was an unpopular war fought in southeast asia where 56,000 Americans died, end of story! And you know some light filler material like, almost a million Vietnamese died when the war started by the Viet cong attacking one of our ships in the gulf of Tonkin, Pure bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Actually I said I don't support ANY of the pieces of shit that are running. They are all liars and all of them have their own interests at heart, not Americans.
True. But, why then are you attacking only Obama, if you don't support any of the candidates? I assume it's because you think he is a muslim. I mean, for having a Che flag in one of his offices and because he stopped wearing an American flag pin? Of all things to criticize someone for really? You should let your bigotry go and just starting seeing people as people.


Well-Known Member
True. But, why then are you attacking only Obama, if you don't support any of the candidates? I assume it's because you think he is a muslim. I mean, for having a Che flag in one of his offices and because he stopped wearing an American flag pin? Of all things to criticize someone for really? You should let your bigotry go and just starting seeing people as people.
To be very honest with you, I happen to like Obama better than ANY of the current candidates running. But I still don't like him. Far as I'm concerned, 09 in going to be a lose/lose situation no matter which one of these idiots get in there.