Check out these fluorescents


Well-Known Member
looks cool, how much more they gonna set you back though?
found someone who has a bunch on my local kijiji...they said they paid somthing like 17 so ill get a you think they would be better than cool white and ge plant and aquarium bulbs...looks like they would be but not sure!!!


Well-Known Member
I don't even know. Sounds like it's cheap enough to try it...
thats always been my thot on flouros , hence my planned addition of at least 8.
the 2 footers i hav can do 24/7 cycles with pettymuch no heat.
i remember reading equal amounts of the cool and warm bulbs doin good results , so i imagine an all inclusive badboy should do almost as good for less leccy


Well-Known Member
But these MIGHT actually be better if you look at the spectrum graph. It didn't say the lumens anywhere though did it?