Cheese weed newbie.. check me out?


I veged for 5 weeks under t5 flourescents and I am currently flowering under 600 hps... been under for 1 week.. these pix were taken 1 week after pruning... dont think im gonna do n e thing else 2 them.. Got my clones as soon as they started 2 show in veg... took 3 from each and now im waiting to see wat I will get off of these 3.. If u have any suggestions Im all ears.. lucky so far I think.. ordered 10 seeds... germed 4 and 3 were fem... :mrgreen:.. Ive got pix from then till now but only posted now... Im growing under flairform with humbolt root... gonna finish with bloombastic... am I on da right course?? has anyone else used flairform?



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Ok Im feeling real good behind that.. U no some positive reinforcement is always good... I have the blue print so now im off to da races.. the stores are really pricey when it came 2 puttin the room together... Ive been shoppin around and I swear ive duplicated the grow trays and stuff for less than half of wat the hydro shop sales for...its ok.. I payed 2 play.. Thanxx again..