ChickenPoop 2014


Well-Known Member
Hey Folks!
Happy growing,
This year im just going to keep it simple, I've realized with just a few plants i can harvest good numbers in the great outdoors, my only problem really has been the dreaded Mold on my huge plants.

So, to remedy this im going to be running some of Getaways's Stumbleweed to help with the my end of season mold issues. Also i work a lot so i already amended my pre existing holes of promix with more perlite and a shit ton of water storing cystals. This will cut back on watering because of my limited time with the plants this season.

So there you have it, just 6 plants, little to no maintenance, put them out, come back sex them / kill the males, harvest. Im hoping for 3 visits in total.



Well-Known Member
Watering crystals this early in the grow is a big big mistake, as they have a habit of evaporating and creating even more mold, keep a temp/Rh gauge in there, and find a place that is not so wet, I use Neem Oil to control bugs and mold works great


Well-Known Member
Well i don't plan on putting my seedlings out until around mid June. The holes i speak of are deep in the woods where there is plenty of sunlight, and the crystals are mixed in to just help prevent watering during droughts. I have heard rumors of root rot because of the constant moisture provided from the crystals, but i'm going to do this for experimentation purposes, and i hope all you will enjoy! the holes are huge, 4 feet deep 2x2 wide. Oh yeah, neem oil is amazing couldn't agree more.


Well-Known Member
Why are water crystals a big mistake? I've always used them and never had problems and never watered my plants because of them.
I only use a little amount per plant just to keep a hospitable environment in case of a drought. Never watered and never will(guerilla anyway).