Childrens Knowledge Of Weed

Enlightened One

Well-Known Member
Ok it's been a while but it's always bothered me so I'm asking you guys; My sister has smoked since age 18 (30 now) and got pregnant at 17. Well by the time her som was in 3rd grade she sat him down and told him all about weed and that she smoked. I just always thought he was too young but then she told me that the D.A.R.E. people were starting to come to the school so she had to tell him before he ended up calling the cops on her. My question is howold do you think a child needs to be before realizing that his parents smoke, and in this example do you think it was a necessary evil?


Well-Known Member
naw idk wabout 3rd grade, i would of waited untill like 8th grade, think about when you started smoking or new about weed,


Well-Known Member
No i dont, thats way too young, "kids say the darnest things" like, hey my mom said she smokes that, ot i heard of that before, thats what my momie smokes, you kno what i mean?


Well-Known Member
oh shit thats right u said that was a while haha my bad, like us all im high :D but yea idk how she didnt see that possibilty, good thing tho, i dont think is was EVIL to say, but not smart


Well-Known Member
thats bullshit haha, thats what this principial tried to say about me and my grades, i started smoking in the 10th grade, im 20, iv had bad grades all my life, mother fucer tried saying i started smoking weed in 7th, what a load of crap, i never did good, even in elementy, good clip tho :D


Well-Known Member
I don't agree with it at all he was just a baby. I have a son in the sixth grade what he knows is that he shouldn't be doing it. When he is old enough to make responsible decions then he can do what he wants. I smoked when I was younger I wish I didin't but I did. I loved it too much. gave it all up for like 12 years and started smoking again. i love it more now than when I did it as a kid. I learned to be a responsible adult just like alcohol. speaking of that need another beer. good post. No drinking and using drugs till there ols enough to understand. I keep it hiden from him whne the time is right I will sit him down and let him know why I use it. I don't like taking medications or I call it white coat dope of any sort. Mj relives of alot sysmtoms even with an everyday cold.


Well-Known Member
If I had me a little bastard child, I'd tell it around like 14-15...

And then I'd tell the little fucker I'd beat his/her ass if they do it before they're out of high school. After that, it's free game.

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
And she did, but still, that young?
Just think how impressionable a child is at that age. Think back to when you were his age and those people told you those things in DARE. After I had gone through that shit I thought weed was the devil incarnate. I don't blame his mother for telling him the truth so early. It's not like shes endorsing it, I think smoking around a child that age is wrong as well, but informing her son that mommy likes to smoke some reefer from time to time is not going to make an impression on the kid. It also puts them on the path of having a very open relationship.

Enlightened One

Well-Known Member
Just think how impressionable a child is at that age. Think back to when you were his age and those people told you those things in DARE. After I had gone through that shit I thought weed was the devil incarnate. I don't blame his mother for telling him the truth so early. It's not like shes endorsing it, I think smoking around a child that age is wrong as well, but informing her son that mommy likes to smoke some reefer from time to time is not going to make an impression on the kid. It also puts them on the path of having a very open relationship.
True. good post


Well-Known Member
That study is some crap and a half lol, at least 80% I smoked with in school were top of their class. Hell I personalty was top 5% overall in school and I smoked everyday. Anyway back on topic I really think that each person needs to make a decision based on the maturity of their kid(s). I think I will do the herb talk right around the same point I do the sex talk when I have kids.


Well-Known Member
shit through personal experience i knew about alcohol, cigarretes, weed, heroin and crack by the time i was 8 years old. I will never forget how I smelled that sweet smell of weed and how my dad and his friends sounded when they tried to talk while holding a hit in, lol. I tried weed my self for the first time at 16 and I still went on to become a valedictorian of my hs.

Knowledge of weed should be of no consequence to the children, provided they are warned about the unfair stigma associated with the use of Marijuana by law enforcement. you should have no problems.


Well-Known Member
You would be surprised how much kids already know, by confronting the possibility that he may have suspected something she informed him and hopefully talked to him about privacy. My children have and have had the understanding of privacy, we do not talk about what goes on in our house to anybody. It works because it works both ways. I do not think it was a bad idea.


Well-Known Member
I've been exposed to cannabis since I was probably about 3 my mom used to smoke it and stopped when I was about 8, my uncles smoked through my child hood and when I stayed at my grand mothers house they watched me and my cousin. I too remeber the funny voice made by holding a toke in and trying to talk at the same time, ahh, fond nostalgic memories. I'll never forget the smell of the mid grade burning in the computer room playing old school pc games on a 486.

I was exposed though I feel a more open dialogue would have been helpful


Well-Known Member
I've been exposed to cannabis since I was probably about 3 my mom used to smoke it and stopped when I was about 8, my uncles smoked through my child hood and when I stayed at my grand mothers house they watched me and my cousin. I too remeber the funny voice made by holding a toke in and trying to talk at the same time, ahh, fond nostalgic memories. I'll never forget the smell of the mid grade burning in the computer room playing old school pc games on a 486.

I was exposed though I feel a more open dialogue would have been helpful
Yeah sometimes smelling my own weed will give me this awesome rush of nostalgia, it's cool. Toke cheers to that, man! :leaf: