Choosing bigger filter


Active Member
Hi, as i upgrade my exhaust equipment im going to install a bigger filter than my 150mm - 30cm long filter. As my main goal is to have quieter and more efficient filtration system im considering Prima Klima 150mm - K2602 (40cm long) / K2603 (65 cm long). Pressure drop curves for them are not clear when searching web. If im going now to use my fan on setting around 210 m3/h, will going with bigger one gonna improve any flow/pressure drop. I know that it will suck air quieter, but as i tried to read graphs/curves it seems at these low setting of fan it wont make much difference, difference is significant at higher speeds. Anyone have experience with changing to bigger filter ?
Edit. I saw some opinions on web that its best to choose even bigger diameter than my fan. But i know that carbon bed depth coressponds to airflow restriction and those Prima Klimas are same as my current filter, just longer. I want to choose the longest, but i hope i dont make mistake
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