Choosing New LED


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Well-Known Member
Honestly, I have no practical experience with this... but, I think it all comes down to getting right spectrum and lumen output. You might get away with vegging under these, but I'm not so sure about budding. Having said that, the pros (cheap running cost, low heat) are pretty sweet, but what's the point if you get crappy bud.

If it does meet the lumen/specs requirements I say good luck and let us know how it goes. These babies may very well be the future.


Sector 5 Moderator
LED's are amazing but I don't have any clue as to how effective they will be in producing bud. Keep us informed of your progress; I'm sure everyone on here will want to know how your plants are doing under these.


Well-Known Member
I had bad luck with seed starts and two grow bars. I then bought 10 more for flowering but have since switched to HID's. It was my first grow so I probably screwed them up with the overwatering,high heat and bugs. I think theyh would do great for budding but I never got that far. With enough of them of course. I think that because of the red hue to the lights. I have a 3'd x 6'w x 5'h flower chamber and it is allot of light.If led's are the way then this should get her done. I am thinking about doing an experiment when I get a new house in a year. I am gonna veg some plants and put half under hps and the other half under led and see what happens. As of now I have no time to learn to grow with new technology. I would be willing to sell these bars if you are interested. 8 of the bars have not even been used other than to make sure they work. The other four were used for a month. Make me an offer if you are serious about attempting led. http://

Those are what I have. I got a large discount cuz my uncle works for the company.


Well-Known Member
Im just thinking to switch to a 400W system or I dont know!?
With that you can save a month or so!