Chop tomorrow?


First grow, outdoors, how do we look here? I'd say it's a touch too early, but I've got bud rot and am anxious to chop before it spreads.



Sure, it's actually three plants. I totally get it's not ideal and I would want to wait for the absolute best moment. But I keep finding rotten buds to the point I've already probably removed half of each yield. With rain coming up in the middle of the week, I'm trying to make a decision if cutting a little early is worth it vs risking the entire grow.



To rephrase: Would you feel OK chopping tomorrow if you couldn't guarantee the plants would make it another two weeks due to rot? Would it be better to take them down early?

Drop That Sound

Well-Known Member
If I didn't have the means to toss a temporary greenhouse over them, and run a power cord out to it with a dehumidifier, I would probably just take them down now before the rain.

I've lost to many plants to bud rot over the years to gamble like that. If you already got rot, and its gonna rain soon, you'll lose everything in a matter of days IMO


Well-Known Member
are You sure this isn’t from caterpillars , also you could always Chop the tops day before rain and let rest mature up. I find besides tops, the mid range not only need the energy focused on that but also the tops are really the only ones since they have such compact zones for mold to be vulnerable at. Man that sucks your seeing it this early. Even in my bad climate for growing outdoors I still want end of sept-mid oct if I can on tops and another 2-4 weeks for mid range/bottoms .


I've been battling it for the past two weeks and I'm ready to throw in the towel. Even though the weather has been great the past week, it's still spreading. I think I'm going to take them down out of necessity. This is my first grow ever, outdoors in the northeast, and I'm pretty happy I made it as far as I did. Yields aren't priority right now, just learning the process. Definitely will be looking at the temporary greenhouse and dehumidifier next season!


Well-Known Member
Sure, it's actually three plants. I totally get it's not ideal and I would want to wait for the absolute best moment. But I keep finding rotten buds to the point I've already probably removed half of each yield. With rain coming up in the middle of the week, I'm trying to make a decision if cutting a little early is worth it vs risking the entire grow.
You can spray them with potassium bicarbonate after the rain to change pH so that mold can’t grow.
Although all your pistils appear brown, the calyxes don’t look like they’ve even begun to swell. If you do pick it now it’ll be good for oil but pretty raspy smoke. Try to get to first week of October


Active Member
maybe im blind but i cant see a single pic with a rotten bud. Isnt rot usually a case when the buds become bigger? U sure you didnt mistake trichomes for mold?