:( Chopping early, I believe its mold PICS

100% sure this is mold of some kind. There are also spiders mite. As I sit here and chop it down and throw it away (and cry)just wanted to make sure.........Thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
ah no way dude sorry. is it like a web? to me it looks like bud worm or small cats in that bud. pick of the damaged bits and have a good look for pests
Dude Im so Baked...It looks like a bird on your plant. But yeah its mold....Sorry to hear that...now stop crying and start a new one....sterilize the room, check your others if you have some. Spider mites are a bitch. Im sure more experienced growers have some valuble tips on mold....Did you spray the leaves with water? That could cause mold...your temp?? Yeah that could do it too... Your RH is rather essential in a grow. If you have that problem with mold more than once I'd consider a better ventilation system or a Co2 setup...IMO but yeah...im sure someone will come along with better tips.
They are outdoors in the way south.....lucky to have humidity under 80%. Thanks for the second opinion.......will go continue to chop em down
It looks a lot like bird shit except when I grab at it with tweezers its all fuzzy. Also its on several branches/buds :( I wish it was bird shit...i would be more inclined to smoke that than mold


Well-Known Member
fuck google. get the fuzzy bits off and have a look in the white shit. use cocktail sticks or something to pick at em and get your camera ready ha :leaf:
Ok I squeezed a white pocket and there was gooey like brown tar inside and what looked like many small bronk specs (only have a x3 magnifier), and so if these are little sacs, what do I do just keep cutting and they will die as the plant dies or let the plant finish, I have currently chopped 4 branches. There are many smaller "sacs" spread through the buds and main colas

Ya going to post in the bug section...deff. a sac. The ooze crap out whe squeezed but too big I think for budworm there are 1/4 a dime size in some places. Thanks everyone for help!