If you live in town and have a problem with the trasnformers buzzing, I'm sure there is some kind of ordinance code she is violating. If not, you could write a petition to have such ordinance put into place as Im sure many other people would agree that bright as lights passed like 10pm is a big problem for them.
But I was thinking....... maybe since this person is just trying to help others and is enjoying Christmas in her own way and is doing way more good than harm, maybe you could try to be less of a dick considering what it is you are doing right next to her home as I'm sure she would not be cool with that.
i just hate it all coz i KNOW its all based on a massive LIE , i honestly hand on heart would rather celebrate bigfoot on the 25th december .it has as much credibility as your shitty jesus with the ho virgin mother and the 3 tripped out dude following the brightest star , the brightest star as we now know to be ....
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 No. Star Names Equatorial Galactic Spectral Vis Abs Prllx Err Dist Coordinates Coordinates Type Mag Mag ly RA Dec l° b° 1. Alpha Canis Majoris Sirius 06 45 -16.7 227.2 -8.9 A1V -1.46 1.43 379.21 1.58 9 nothing but a spec of sand in the solar system .