Chronic back Pain how does it affect you? do you have similar Problems

Back pain,jesus where to begin,entire back area covered with 3rd degree burns, shattered my back at same time,bone fragments lodged in spinal cord unreachable,replaced 4 discs,installed steel rod bolted to spine,multiple multiple surgerys,all this followed by 24 years of non stop pain covered up with high dose opiates every day of my life since then.

Fast foward 6 yrs ago,replacement discs installed 20 yrs ago are worn out & need replaced,this causes alot more pain along with bone fragments that couldnt be reached before causing damage while working their way out,this brings 6 more yrs agony covered up with mass dose oxy & roxy.

Fast foward 9 months ago,leg pain is so bad i cant use the leg,surgery is a must,have fragments removed finally,have worn out discs replaced,have bone spurs ground down,have scar tissue on spinal cord removed via laser,have 2nd steel rod bolted to spine,total surgery time was 7 hours on the table.

Recovery pain so intense that wearing 75 mg fentynal patches were like asprin,ended up taking 80 mg oxycontin 3 times a day on top of wearing the fentynal patches.

Ive been thru hell with my back & every neurosergeon ive seen all 100% agree i will spend the rest of my life in pain & on opiates.

The best non narcotic pain relief for a herniated disc is traction,lower back needs lumbar traction & high back or neck requires cervical traction,with a herniated disc what happens is the disc tears open & the raw nerve pops out from the disc & rubs directly on bone,traction seperates & stretches the spine which takes pressure off the nerve ending,this is why some people see relief from using inversion tables,the weight of the body upside down pulling on itself creates a very mild traction.

Inversion tables or chiropractors in no way compare to real traction,it helps me so much that i bought my own lumbar traction table & cervical traction unit,i give myself lumbar ( spinal ) traction 3 times a week & its better than anything else.

If you doc dont prescribe physical therapy that includes traction find a chiropactor or osteopathic doctor who performs in office traction & your pain will drop instantly.
Back pain,jesus where to begin,entire back area covered with 3rd degree burns, shattered my back at same time,bone fragments lodged in spinal cord unreachable,replaced 4 discs,installed steel rod bolted to spine,multiple multiple surgerys,all this followed by 24 years of non stop pain covered up with high dose opiates every day of my life since then.

Fast foward 6 yrs ago,replacement discs installed 20 yrs ago are worn out & need replaced,this causes alot more pain along with bone fragments that couldnt be reached before causing damage while working their way out,this brings 6 more yrs agony covered up with mass dose oxy & roxy.

Fast foward 9 months ago,leg pain is so bad i cant use the leg,surgery is a must,have fragments removed finally,have worn out discs replaced,have bone spurs ground down,have scar tissue on spinal cord removed via laser,have 2nd steel rod bolted to spine,total surgery time was 7 hours on the table.

Recovery pain so intense that wearing 75 mg fentynal patches were like asprin,ended up taking 80 mg oxycontin 3 times a day on top of wearing the fentynal patches.

Ive been thru hell with my back & every neurosergeon ive seen all 100% agree i will spend the rest of my life in pain & on opiates.

The best non narcotic pain relief for a herniated disc is traction,lower back needs lumbar traction & high back or neck requires cervical traction,with a herniated disc what happens is the disc tears open & the raw nerve pops out from the disc & rubs directly on bone,traction seperates & stretches the spine which takes pressure off the nerve ending,this is why some people see relief from using inversion tables,the weight of the body upside down pulling on itself creates a very mild traction.

Inversion tables or chiropractors in no way compare to real traction,it helps me so much that i bought my own lumbar traction table & cervical traction unit,i give myself lumbar ( spinal ) traction 3 times a week & its better than anything else.

If you doc dont prescribe physical therapy that includes traction find a chiropactor or osteopathic doctor who performs in office traction & your pain will drop instantly.

you are on a whole other level than me. i obviously cant compare to what you are feeling but in a way i feel your pain man.
I have bad back pain constantly. I have Ankylosing spondylitis which is an autoimmune arthritis that starts fusing the spine. I also have degenerating disks and some damage from injuries. It's not cool at all. I'm on a bunch of meds to reduce the damage my immune system is doing, I'm on the strongest NSAID available, and I've been doing a Medrol pack like every week recently :( I'm not on any opioids now but that's subject to change soon. I'm seeing a new pain dr after Xmas. Smoking helps me deal with the pain. It doesn't eliminate it but it makes me care about it less. Recently I've been flaring pretty bad (hence the frequent steroid packs, I'm feeling like a major league baseball player) and I've been using edibles. They don't get me as stoned but they help the pain much more.
well right now my left hand is numb and it feels like im loosing strength in my shoulder and its been happening for two months from pinched nerves. ive been checked by two doctors. the first one said i have three herniated discs in my neck with no proper exam. the second doctor said my spacing was correct from the xrays and that i need an mri to actually see everything. i go to a neurologist friday. i bought a new bed which doesnt make a difference and this is the second time ive had pinched nerves. i dont think its my spine thats hurting its my muscles in my back thats unbearable alot of the times. stretching doesnt do anything and ive lost weight to help. anyone else have similar problems? it affects my sleep and my lifestyle. and im in pain 24/7. im just curious as to why my muslces hurt so bad but no spinal pain. i was in a bad wreck in 2004 which i am told is probably the root of my problem. anyone else feel the same and what was the diagnosis

god rods and screws in my back. i haul ass in my wheelchair threw the mountains. it effects me basically...THE SHIT HURTS. after i ride and take a toke i dont really pay attion
I have bad back pain constantly. I have Ankylosing spondylitis which is an autoimmune arthritis that starts fusing the spine. I also have degenerating disks and some damage from injuries. It's not cool at all. I'm on a bunch of meds to reduce the damage my immune system is doing, I'm on the strongest NSAID available, and I've been doing a Medrol pack like every week recently :( I'm not on any opioids now but that's subject to change soon. I'm seeing a new pain dr after Xmas. Smoking helps me deal with the pain. It doesn't eliminate it but it makes me care about it less. Recently I've been flaring pretty bad (hence the frequent steroid packs, I'm feeling like a major league baseball player) and I've been using edibles. They don't get me as stoned but they help the pain much more.

How & the fuck are you not on opiates !

Let me guess,your pain mgt doc only prescribes narcotics as a last resort,and only after you've had countless injections directly in the spine that only numb shit up for a day max & hurt like hell getting done ?

Ive ran across a few clinics like that,anymore i dont play games with pain docs,ya gotta set them guys straight from jump street,its a matter of quality of life,no narcotics your in intense pain,lotsa narcotics & you function a normal life.

Those pain docs know weather we are fakers or not by our blood pressure,if its really high it means intense pain,even then they want to sell spinal block injections at $3,000 a visit.

Start doc shopping asap & be blunt with them,if you need opiates you should get them,i cant imagine not being able to reach for meds when i have to,that puts back pain in control of your life & thats no way to live,hope ya get what you need.
How & the fuck are you not on opiates !

Let me guess,your pain mgt doc only prescribes narcotics as a last resort,and only after you've had countless injections directly in the spine that only numb shit up for a day max & hurt like hell getting done ?

Ive ran across a few clinics like that,anymore i dont play games with pain docs,ya gotta set them guys straight from jump street,its a matter of quality of life,no narcotics your in intense pain,lotsa narcotics & you function a normal life.

Those pain docs know weather we are fakers or not by our blood pressure,if its really high it means intense pain,even then they want to sell spinal block injections at $3,000 a visit.

Start doc shopping asap & be blunt with them,if you need opiates you should get them,i cant imagine not being able to reach for meds when i have to,that puts back pain in control of your life & thats no way to live,hope ya get what you need.
well they know theres something going on. the did a urinalysis and i have a high level of some sort of proteins that tell them theres pain. im not sure what the test is called but they did that on one of the first visits. yeah im going to a nuerologist and its the only one my insurance takes so i kinda dont have a choice with who i go to
well the neurologist called today to set up an apptmnt so hopefully by beginning of next week ill know whats wrong. i actually sprained my neck yesterday too on top of the pinched nerves that i have.....they are giving me nerve blockers does anyone know whats this is?
Same deal here as the OP. I go the the chiropractor at least once a month for lower back and neck adjustment. Works great!
its rainy today but besides scared to go to a chiropractor because of the pain i would have to endure
I'm torn up from sports, scarred muscle tissue between my lower vertebra causes pinches on my sciatica nerve and makes it feel like I've got beat down with a lead pipe.
id love to go but i dont no if medicaid will pay for it.i already owe because my pysc doc forgot to put a fucken code in on the paper and no im being charged for it.87. but the weather can fuck with your back bro.
yeah friday ill find out whats wrong.... i think my problems are related to a car accident...but i think the broad picture is that i have anxiety really bad and my nerves are shot and my nerves are overworking my muslces or something like that and on top of that the accident possibly gave me 3 or 4 herniated discs. fibromalgia could be a possibility and my dad has MS but it says MS is not hereditary but children of MS patients are 7 times more likely to get it, plus environmental factors.... all i know is that im in extreme pain 90 percent of the day and depending on what i do that day it could be yesterday i lifted a propane tank and sprained my neck so its really fucked up the pain i go through...and im turning 28 soon and it took this long just to get a doctor to listen to me and not be labeled as a drug seeker. and its not that i want drugs cuz im scared of addiction but ive been dealing with it for so long im ready for relief
well they did an mri on my lower back and found a bulged disc. they did that cuz i lost motor function in my leg for about a week. my hand is still numb and i still have my neck issues. but right now this is what he wants to do (milk that insurance) i have to get nerve conductivity tests and nerve blocking shots. its just a bummer cuz all the pain is in my neck and upper shoulders not so much in my lower back. plus i would think if i had a pinched nerve and my hand is numb and my arm is getting weak my pinch would be around my neck anyways....but yea its going to suck
Ask the doc about the side effects of those shots...if it is steroidal they can be deadly, no joke....and they do not work for everyone. There is an alternative that they can do to "test" if they will even help....a lidocain shot I think. They did it to me, no pain reduction so no dangerous shots into the spine.

My background: 2 major whiplash incidents. My disc between C7 and T1= blown out....nothing there. My spine looks like a sponge from all of the arthritis, 8+ bone spurs digging into spinal cord...all of this VERY painful....all the time...massive headaches as well.

Multiple MRIs and Xrays and CAtScAns....Nuerosurgeon will not touch me as the location and existing damage is too risky to mess with.

All of that to get here----->Accupuncture.
it does not work for everyone but it has been a blessing of massive proportions for me.
I recommend it to you as a low risk option to try before you get into some options that are waaaay worse, potentially.

I just had a treatment today and am in heaven...unbeleivable.

EDIT: Cortizone shots is what I was thinkin' of....
well they did an mri on my lower back and found a bulged disc. they did that cuz i lost motor function in my leg for about a week. my hand is still numb and i still have my neck issues. but right now this is what he wants to do (milk that insurance) i have to get nerve conductivity tests and nerve blocking shots. its just a bummer cuz all the pain is in my neck and upper shoulders not so much in my lower back. plus i would think if i had a pinched nerve and my hand is numb and my arm is getting weak my pinch would be around my neck anyways....but yea its going to suck

^^^ that is when you begin to consider a laminectomy with fusion, never for pain only for loss of motor.