Chronic Sinus Pain From Chronic. I Am Starting To Think Quitting Is The Only Way :(


Active Member
I had surgery on my nose in august. I had my ethnoid sinus removed aswell as getting polyps removed. the removal of the ethnoid was done to helps drainage. I have allergies but mostly due to dog and cat dander more than anything. Post op i was told to rinse with saline salution which i did in conjunction with my allergy meds

Allergy meds dry your sinuses when u want them wet to drain thus why you use the saline.
Smoke also dried up my sinuses so in other words no way in hell was i draining. This went on for about 6 months and then i got a cheap box vape. This helped but still i wouldnt get the weed hot at all and i would only smoke just enough to get me buzzed then i would stop and i would be stuffed up again.

So ya i am getting the vapir one 5.0 tomorow and eventually plan on getting a volc if this one helps.

I think this is a big problem alot of people suffering from a cronic sinus condition either still smoke and hate life except when they are high or they quit. I am borderline to stopping until i have my next crop done. Eventually i will make cookies or something to by pass the smoking. It just sucks

any thoughts or suggestions?


Active Member
damn, I feel your pain-that really sucks bro..seriously (I don't know what you can do about that though!


Well-Known Member
Do some baking and ingest the herb. Oh and get a Da Buddha vaporizer and hook it up to a bong for a smooth, healthy hit. I think DB is $160. Very solid, very effective- and big hits! Best buy ever for me; I'll never smoke again. Also, I presume it has been suggested to you by now, but use a humidifier when you sleep.

Also- fish oil & other EFAs are supposed to help with allergies. (only at higher doses than usual I believe).


Active Member
Dream, purchase a humidifier immediately. It seems as though you are exposed to dry stale air, to combat this - purchase the humidifier and let it run in your smoke hut. If your smoke hut does not permit the use of a humidifier, use tissue soaked in warm water. Be sure not to make it too hot, but don't have it ice cold either. I have dealt with sinus problems most of my life, and it works for me. The drawback to this is, cant blow out of your nose. Hope this helps.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I feel for you, man. I've had 6 surgeries to remove polyps. Get really aggressive in your allergy treatment. And try a Netty pot. It's a sinus rinse instead of just spraying your sinuses. I try to use mine after I smoke and it really seems to help.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
you gotta make some butter. Damn! I used 3 grams of bud and 3 grams of trich covered leaves and wow I am impressed, this shit gets you stoned. I mean stoned and it is a really nice clean stone too. Will that work?


Active Member
I'd try a vaporizer. My sinuses are always all fucked up and smoke of any kind often gives me headaches. I'm much better with the vaporizer.


Well-Known Member
Man, i'm supposed to be going in for an operation on my nose soon (but I can't remember what the exact procedure is called), I only hope it won't make my sinus hurt when I smoke. I'll have a look into Vapourisers.
Good luck ihaveadream, tell us if you find a perfect treatment. Haha, you sound a lot like me, nasal ops, allergies and from the looks of the avatar, a love of Hendrix haha.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Man, i'm supposed to be going in for an operation on my nose soon (but I can't remember what the exact procedure is called), I only hope it won't make my sinus hurt when I smoke. I'll have a look into Vapourisers.
Good luck ihaveadream, tell us if you find a perfect treatment. Haha, you sound a lot like me, nasal ops, allergies and from the looks of the avatar, a love of Hendrix haha.
You're gonna have to lay off smoking for a while. And there's gonna be a lot of bloody snot. Just so you know. I never had much pain after my surgeries. When the blood in your sinuses dry it feels like when mud dries on your skin, only stranger.


Well-Known Member
You're gonna have to lay off smoking for a while. And there's gonna be a lot of bloody snot. Just so you know. I never had much pain after my surgeries. When the blood in your sinuses dry it feels like when mud dries on your skin, only stranger.
Oh! :sad:
Well that's never good....

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Oh! :sad:
Well that's never good....
It's really just more of an annoyance than anything. On the day of the surgery, that night I would be feeling close to normal. Barely any pain. Just follow the after care procedures and its really no problem.


Active Member
the thing is when u have surgery the doctor will removed polyps with an endoscope. then he will look at the situation and try to make your sinuses drain. Do not forget about your frontal sinus in your forehead that is where most of the shit is with me. I have had my entire ethnoid sinus removed on one side. The operation happened in august so thats about 6 months. I have a chronic bacterial sinus infection that is just now going away. you can tell if its a bacterial infection by the color of snot. if it is yellow/green its a bacterial infection. I quit smoking period and only vape now at low temps. this lead to better drainage of my maxillary and frontal sinuses. Nose operation vary greatly when you get down to it they will give you a custom treatment for your condition. I will always be baking as soon as my next grow is done but now its not possible for me really.
And yes these surgeries do hurt alot and it can be a long process if you smoke especially if you already have a sinus infection. post op you have to go to the doc and he sticks about 5 inches of the endoscope in your nose it hurts so bad and your eyes are watering everywhere. If you need this surgery then i would do it though because otherwise you may never get over your sinus infection. welp nearly 420 gunna go smoke