claw leaf


Well-Known Member
Over watering, and it looks bear, dont take any leaves off it...thats if you are

[email protected]

Active Member
I have a full professional room with only one plant showing this sympton, know as "the Claw" or "the Ramhorn". It appears that the majority feel that this is a simple overwatering issue.

Can we get a definite consensus on this? This is a problem that I am seeing a lot of beginners having a problem with.


Active Member
I just went thru this problem. My soil pH was 5.7, claw leaves with yellowing tips. I believe the nutrients were locked out. The buds (4 weeks into flowering) were drawing the nutrients from the other leaves and stems. I adjusted the soil pH to 6.3 with hydrated lime. The fertilizer I was using, the granuals had a pH of 4.18. Check your fertilizer pH.


Well-Known Member
I dont think you have this particular problem but it is really just to hard to tell from these pics... =[ The first one looks like it was taken out of a car window and the second looks out of focus except for the leafs that are farther away...

If you have the claw or ph lockout you will see this most evident on the newest growth and the veins will look like washboard meaning very exaggerated peaks and valleys in-between the veins...

Take some clearer pics... Also tell us how much, or when you know it time to water... That will help clear up the too much water question...


Well-Known Member
Thanks bmillard for asking this and also to the rest of you guys that came up with an answer!

I saw this on the top 2 leafs on 1 plant of my plants today, thing is I did water it yesterday so this makes perfect sence to me now cause I found this thread. All of you can probably tell I´m a noob, so all I learn from you experienced growers here at rollitup is a part of the learningprocess for me, perfect. Thanks!