Clay In Soil.


Well-Known Member
Ok, well i put one of my babys outside last night. Around here we plant outside after the first full moon in may. Its in my garden for now, It's only been growing since 4/21 so its still really small. And it hasnt been growing like my other ones under the lights. There was really no room for it. So i dug a hole in the garden and transplanted with good soil i had. i didnt have enough, So ontop i just put the soil that was already there ontop. The garden has alot of clay after u dig down to a certin point. So my question is. What are some of the pros and cons of having clay below your soil and/or in your soil.


Well-Known Member
Clay doesn't drain well and it's damn hard for roots to break through it - BIG NO.


Well-Known Member
Wellthat sucks. But theres still plenty of room for root growth. And the other plant in the garden do fine.


Well-Known Member
ya you should be ok, just make sure to add lots of good soil when you plant, and try not to mix in the clay with the good soil. its not that clay is impossible, but the plant will not be as you will find out


Well-Known Member
Well, i made sure the roots have all good soil to grow down into, i wanna say they have like half a foot until its all clay?
Should that be sufficent root growing space? Its not staying in the garden anways. its only gonna be there till the plant gets bigger for stealth reasons its going out into a birchtree and shrub field. that gets great sun.


Active Member
Six inches of top soil won't due it, Idealy you should have twenty to twenty-five inches of good soil. If you can't at least break your hardpan up with a long spade. If you don't you'll have some water and stunted plant issues.


Well-Known Member
Well, its only gonna stay there for like a month tops..
Ya should have kept it in a pot. Its goin to be hard to dig it up and transplant it after 1 month. The roots will get into the clay a little and when ya pull it up you will hear the roots tearing.


Well-Known Member
Yah, good point. But i'll have to deal, That one went outside because it showed no progress inside anyways. So it it even grows i'll be very happy.


Well-Known Member
I used to grow in terrible soil- mostly rocks, clay, and sand. Very hard to dig. The topsoil had been sold and scraped off. I dug holes to about the size of 5 gal & filled it with grow mix. Always had big, healthy, productive plants. I had water nearby which made a big difference.


Active Member
In my spot the soil have a lot of clay too, but I dig holes in the ground.I will use some black plastic bag and fill with soil mix.


Active Member
Clay has a lot of helpful minerals and some nutes, nothing wrong with it if you can limit to about 15%. Also it tends to be acidic.