Cleanroots :)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys just taking the time to point out a somewhat local company selling a great product i picked up. ( I usually post in indoorgrowing and led forum sections so not all of you may follow my threads or know me on here. I've never trolled any thread, nor am I a salesmen or endorsed by anyone. Just a fellow grower :weed:)
Met these guys at the Boston max yield expo and had to give them a shout out here because they are cool down to earth people. And they designed it themselves because they are gardeners themselves. So with that said, I knew about their company before, maybe even mentioned them in the past, but now they are up and running for real and making some real head way.

You all know me I'm no salesman and try everything hahaha so when I was asked to do a review after they saw my results I said no problem. Whats the harm in a few min of my time.....nada. I say if you use plastic or fabric pots these are a win win. You will only need to buy them once as they are very durable. They clean very easily as well. If you use fabric pots and don't reuse them like myself, thats way more costly over time anyhow. Shit even if you do reuse your fabric pots I'd imagine you need to buy new ones at some point lol .
The site has all the info you need to know, but a quick run down is this: It helps keep your pots from sitting in your saucers to avoid run off (my main thought for its use among others) . I used and HATED air pots Imho but did like the one and only thing is that they held your pots out of the run off annnd provided air flow/root pruning underneath the pot, something i felt fabric pots were lacking. Yea u can mickey mouse something to put under your pot to raise it up above the runoff until you shop vac it out...but... I've also done this before and things either broke and or took up valuable run off space in my saucers. Anyway thats where I feel these platforms have come in handy, I use 10 gal fab pots as you all know in flower (not that the size really matters for the product itself) and use nice big saucers for plenty of run off to accommodate my heavy feedings. These platforms have great drainage and an arc design so they don't take up run off space, allowing my lazy ass to shop vac the run off when i get to it lol. I don't advise that because leaving run off leads to attracting pests but thats another story.
I know for all you organic growing heads run off is a non issue for the most part, and being a drain to waste guy myself it is a huge part of my growing style. Most of you that i see growing on here especially in fabric pots use soil/rols/organic supplements etc..I'll bring back up my point earlier...You bought them for the health of your roots, and for the air flow/air pruning. So even if you don't need run off you should have your pots raised for the air underneath your pots to assist in the air pruning underneath as well as imho the soppy/nasty growth i would get when i just left my pots in saucers alone which also leads to pests attraction.
Hate it or love it my review for this product is for the same reason I document my grows, to help and learn. This product helped me raise my game a little so I figured I would spread the word, like I would for any other products such as nutes or lighting I've used that i think others would find interesting or helpful.


Well-Known Member
That a pretty dope idea, had thoughts of something similar but I am kinda like you that I was going jerry rig something but never really got to it. The whole reason I got away from fabric pots is because I bought the cheapos and they would rip from moving then out of the drip trays to get rid of runoff, seems like this would take care of this. Might have to talk to they guys at the local shop about these, they seem a little more necessary than drip trahs with wheels lol (im lazy so those call to me)


Well-Known Member
Great idea, I use primarily 3 & 5Gal fabric though and the 15" is a bit much. I see they're coming out with an 8" that would do the 3gal pots, a 12" would do the 5Gal's. I do think it's imperative to get them up slightly off the bottom for many of the same reasons they list like having the bottom sitting in salt/nute build up but imo the air flow under them should help. For the 3gal I found some 10" trays in the dollar store and they have plastic inserts with feet that lift them about 3/4" off the bottom so that's what I'm using and they're cheap ass rigs. Will get some pics, they're all in use right now so have to wait for lights on. I also found some plastic coated steel stands there that would lift them about 2" off the bottom but they don't quite fit into the 10" trays, have to figure out a way to trim them so they fit properly inside the trays, that would do it. Only problem with clean roots and a lot of other products is it takes them forever to become available in Canada and shipping takes a big bite ordering them online and shipping up here, why I use the dollar store, a pipe before going in there gets the creativity flowing and can usually find something to rig up what I need ;) Good idea @GrowinDad, will see if i can find some of those in the dollar store, haven't seen anything big enough that I can remember...


Well-Known Member
I use three of them under each pot so holding it up like a 3 legged stool....
I see, I tried those plastic coated steel stands (they have 3 "legs" when turned upside down) inside the 10" trays, something like what you're describing and found them tippy to the point I removed them but I guess if you could place them where you need/want them that would work. Worth a look next time I'm in there, cheers.