Clear, cloudy, amber


Well-Known Member
Ok so I got into an argument (kinda) today with Grandpa about the trichs' and when its ready.

He says its perfect timing when chopped when the trichs are completely clear, but very full and mushroom like.

He likes the "upper" type high and i can see why he would want to harvest at this time, but I told him that he would get a STRONGER "upper high" if he left them until they got cloudy with no signs of amber.

He says cloudy is a couch high and as soon as they go amber it starts degrading, and I argued that cloudy is a mind-high and when it starts going amber it gets more potent, couch high, and does not start to degrade until almost full amber.

So my question to you is what does the definition of "CLEAR TRICHS" you.

high and rambling sorry but thanks in advanced :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
clear is ceribral and cloudy is like a haze, more of the couch fuk'd stuff, amber i think is like the actual strain effects so if you want to feel your strain then cut when its cloudy-amber....