Clear specks on Fan Leaves


Active Member
no, small clear specks on the bigger leaves,and no im about half way through the veg cycle i think (germinated in early jan)pic is current height of plant my camera
wont zoom in on the specks but there all over the leaves...



Active Member
everything is looking great everywhere
else just wondering why my bigger
leaves have clear shiny specks all over them:shock:
Mine have the same thing, it aint bugs
cause it dont wipe off.Mine looks as though someone dusted with a powder
but I cant even wash it off,it is definately spreading.


Well-Known Member
do you use a spray bottle to water your plants?
using a spray bottle leaves water sitting on the leaves and the water can act like a magnifing glass and actually burn your plant!
i would say if you are going to use one try to spray under the leaves as apposed to down on them....
if you are using a spray bottle that is...


Well-Known Member
its thrips trust me i had the same problem. and it always starts out as those shiny spots. there bugs but not nearly as bad as mites alls u need is some neem oil. any garden store should have it and spray it every week on the leaves. works great! should clear up fast neem oil does some nast shit to the bugs.