The Cryptkeeper
Well-Known Member
Sound advice.
I am more inclined to trust the Mythbusters than a few people on RIU whom I'll never know offscreen. That's just me I guess.
As for that link ... from where did it come? The url is remarkably sanitized, prossibly to obscure its tin-hat origins. You can easily&always cherrypick marvelously "scientific"-sounding copypasta to support any conclusion at all, including obvious malarkey; that is one of the dubious glories of the Internet. Jmo. It's as almost-amusing as the magnificently unsupported FACT posted by someone else about seatbelts doing more harm than good.
I'm not here to riun anyone's fun, and I certainly don't imagine I'll convince anyone whose mind is already made up and never mind the quality of the "facts" required to sustain that opinion. With freedom comes responsibility - including, perhaps starring every adult citizen's responsibility to winnow the BS from the constant stream of True Fact sent our way by the information revolution. Again obviously jmo. cn
Unfamiliar with the ad campaign, so no opinion.
Im glad it's just your opinion and yes just your opinion and of course just your opinion, and lastly, just your opinion.

Research by an educational institution.