climate effects drying?


Active Member
i live in alaska and its winter with make it insanly dry outside, would that quicken the process? before ive dried for about 2
1/2-3 days and cured for about week and half and my bud is smoking pretty fast now.. about 6-8 hits a bowl (bong)

should i try shortening the drying period and lengthing the curing?


Active Member
I donno - I live in Colorado and it is pretty fucking dry hear all year round. I just hung some up to dry and it was good in about three days....

When I know they are near the curing stage- its bendy stems but crispy buds. If you leave them out the whole week, they may dry to quickly.


Well-Known Member
If it does not take 5 to 7 days then ya need to adjust the drying conditions.

Fast dried weed smokes harsh and cures not as good.


Active Member
like what could i do? put a humidifier in there or ive read fresh parsley or orange peels and such help bring moisture.

i dunno, i just smoked a peice of the strawberry blue i dried for a day and half, smoked good and got me buzzing. the stem was crisp and sorta bent and semi cracks but still together. <shrug> i could try stuff from above and come back with a conclusion perhaps


Well-Known Member
Its all in the drying. Weed dried slow and then cured is stronger then weed dried fast and not cured.

Ya can put the weed in a paper bag to slow the drying down. Roll the top of the bag down a bit. Carefully mix them around 1 time a day or so.


Active Member
good idea thanks, how long is needed to keep the buds hang upside down for? is it extremely dire to keep em right side down up for a lengthy time lol?


Well-Known Member
Ya can leave them on the stem.

Hanging them upside down does nothing. Its just easier to hang them that way. It does not make the weed stronger.