clipped a bud! good! i am surprised


Well-Known Member
:sleep:i clipped a bud from my first ever girl. Finally with this buds hairs half red, i decided to try. It rocked! This was bag seed that i got and i rem havign a damn good time on it. Have that again. Funny thing is the first time it was mids and now with this plant i pollinated to have seeds in case for the future i smoking the mids again. lol, i know it pollinated u say but i like it. It got a buzz to it, my mood is great! I sound like a dr. Anyway i dried fast by nuking it 20 secs then putting it in the oven at 150 for 10 min ir so. '
i never manicured buds so it was hard to fig it out. worse this was my first grow and i bothced the hell outa its birth and the whole gorw has had high heat probs. the nug looked like crap, so small so i was like do i just cut al this crap off. i saw other buds have some leaves on it. is that what u do leave a little or cut as close as you can. this a med grow but i wasnt them to look as nice as i can. prob i am thinking with the clones i am flowering and vegging the answer will present itself. i read the gro faq but trust me my ugly little bud, howver tasty was nothing liike that! ill post if you don laugh:fire: Be nice this was my learning grow!!!!!!!

