clone are flowering !!


Active Member
i got two weeks clones all females , and they start showing like red hair , Im pretty sure they starting to flower . I cut most of those litle
things with the hairs . My question is if I can put it in veg. stage and them put to flower or they flower only once? any susgetion will be appreciate it :sad:


Well-Known Member
First of all, why would you cut the pistils? That's what forms the bud! Second, yes you can reveg the plant after it has been harvested. You have to leave at least a few nodes for it to grow gain. Yield will decrease dramatically though.



Active Member
thank mr granja , i cut the pistil because i want to stop the flowering and grow the plant first . i get to flower twice the same plant?


Well-Known Member
No meaner than cutting male pollen sacs off. :lol:

Dry 'em and smoke 'em.

Does anyone think a 24hr. or longer period or darkness may be what he needs to do to get them to re-veg?


Well-Known Member
umm its like stopping a semi truck that is rolling down a hill. I don't have any personal experience in re-vegging try posting in the advanced cultivation area.


Active Member
Wow that I first I mean I am pretty new on here but I have never heard of anyone cutting the pistils before lol that cant be good


Well-Known Member
It can't be any worse than cutting the male's pollen sacs off, and I've not only seen lots of threads where people do that, but in my own experience, they grow back BIGGER. :lol: