Clone Drying/Dark spots on top


Well-Known Member
lol no love for intuition huh.... I didnt think about this b4 but i just read about u misting and watering a whole lot... Is there any chance you could be "Overwatering" it?
No love what so ever! lol im sure people are out and about! =P

Well tell me this..if I were to overwater would it more then likely show signs of overwatering next day or maybe a week?

I have watered that baby twice since I had it which today would make it a week..and a day (officer: "So which is it..a week or a day?")......("Uh..a weekday" - cheech) :clap:

Back to ur point.. I tell you the 2nd time around watering wasnt VERY strong like I did the first time...and didnt have problems till thursday. Im afraid to water it again since I just had yesterday..or was it thursday...fuck me.