Clone Issue

The Count

Well-Known Member
I picked up some clones from a local shop here in Colorado Springs yesterday and when I checked on everything this morning this is what I found with one of em. The other 5 are doing just fine and it seems like it's just this one skywalker. I noticed when I was transplanting it that there were several spots on several leaves where it looked like it was missing chlorophyl as it was like see through? I usually go from seed and this is my first time getting some clones from a shop and I've never seen this before. The other 5 are doing fine along with the 15 seedlings I have right next to the clones so I dont think theres an issue with my setup. I sent the shop an email with the pics asking if I can bring this lady back and get a freshy since it didnt make it 24hrs and Im sure theyre make it right. Anyone know what the issue might be with this one? The areas that looked like they were missing chlorophyl are now brown and dead looking and this inclues the main shoot where fresh growth should be coming from. Let me know what yall think, thanks.


209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
I just sprayed my plant with some soapy water last weekend, and the leafs look like that.In the leaf pattern burns?

Looks like they sprayed it with something?

pic of that plants Joe pics 036.jpgJoe pics 031.jpg
What kind of soil are you using? This kind of thing started happening with my clone at first, but it turned out to be because it was getting nutrient burn because the nuts in the soil I used were too strong. Go easy on new clones, just try some Black Gold at first.


Well-Known Member
Since its new I'd take it back. I'd isolate from the others in the mean time.


Well-Known Member
Have you fed them anything? also when you water let the pot get totally light, and then water til all the soil is totally soaked and a good bit of water runs out the bottom of the plant. I see that part of your soil is wet while some is still dry...That is not what is causing your issue of course, but it can't be helping either.

The Count

Well-Known Member
Have you fed them anything? also when you water let the pot get totally light, and then water til all the soil is totally soaked and a good bit of water runs out the bottom of the plant. I see that part of your soil is wet while some is still dry...That is not what is causing your issue of course, but it can't be helping either.
I think they sprayed it with something and that caused the issue. Brought it back the next day and they gave me 2 clones to replace which are doing well. No I know not to feed em anything for about a week... It just died literally in less than 12hrs. All I did was repot them and water. I don't have anything underneath the pots but a carpet to keep em off the concrete(tent comiing tuesday) so I didn't go crazy with watering which is why it looks like it's half wet half dry. It's beans about a week now and the other clones are looking nice


Well-Known Member
Glad it worked out. Pics of the new ladies? Put something down besides carpet. It can hold mold/spores/bugs. Even a split open big plastic garbage bag is better and can be cleaned.

The Count

Well-Known Member
Carpet is just down until my tent arrives(tomorrow) to keep the cups off the concrete. I still plan on keeping the carpet down but the tent bottom is water proof so no need to worry about mold. Heres a pic I took the other day. Over the past 2 days the clones have really started to take off so I think they've rooted pretty well in the dirt. The seedlings are also growing pretty good and I'm going to transplant them into 1gal pots thursday. Was a little worried about going with these LEDs but so far so good.


The Count

Well-Known Member
Choho I started a journal for this go around so check that every now and then for updates. Ill probably post something once a week er so to show how things are going. These LED's are pretty bad ass I'm glad I coughed up the extra money to get some top notch ones.