clone troubles


Active Member
hi folks
2nd time cloning - this time i used straight peat
the ends of the leaves are curling and turning yellow
anyone ever see anything like this with their clones?
aside from using peat instead of regular potting soil i am doing everything else the same.
thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
i was 4 of five my first attempt in water.... water clones are cheap, 0$, and easy......try it....its cake.


Active Member
you mean just letting those little guys dangle in water like secretaries at work do with beta fish?

that would look nice in my cubicle


Well-Known Member
yeah nothings clones did the same thing.... but if they dont root after 3 weeks....then worrry.


Well-Known Member
How long have they been in peat? I took 20 clones my first time (in peat) w/ 100% success. I had to throw some out and give some away. To answer your question, yes the leaves did curl and yellow. This usually occured 3 - 7 days after taking the cutting. I think fdd has written that the yellowing indicates the clone is using the stored energy in the leaf to form roots. The peat has very little nutrients in it, so if they have been in peat for a bit they could be consuming the foliage for energy.


Well-Known Member
their bound to die alittle bit, next time try cutting the leaves in half to lower the rate at witch they transpire. even with this some leaves will die, but the plants should all survive.
and buy a clone dome if you dont already have one, their like 75 cents.
I only spend 15 dolars every 2 months or so on cloning acquipment, and habe had 100% succes rate, every few batches one may die, but thats because I did somthing wrong, and I usualy know what I did wrong.


Active Member
ive dropped a few clones and aside from being shorter than the rest of the plants (prolly by taking longer to root) they turned out fine

anyone who doesnt clone should start its easy im not a smart guy