Clone Wars


Active Member
I just took two small clones last night and i want to flower them as soon as possible to get some small buds just a few grams. i want to keep them small so i can leave them out side an just cover them with a bucket to get the proper darkness during 12/ long do they need to grow before ii flower this little girls.


you can flower any time u want so its up to u. If you are only looking for a couple grams flower when its about 5 inches outts the ground.


Active Member
You have a pretty good idea about the bucket for 12 and 12. I was thinking of doing the same, but with a big trash can to cover for the 12 and 12. And throw some LST training in for max yeild. Theres to diff ways you can go about this tho. 1 being doing 12 and 12 from the start and they bud when they are ready. Or you could let them grow for 2 weeks so that when you switch to 12 and 12 it will trick the plants into thinkin it's fall easier.