Clones are not rooting HELP!


Active Member
I have used soil before, And I can tell you now that rockwool or rapid rooters give you much faster root production. When cuttings bend over, they usually need humidity. I would not spray clones with any type of solution, I only spray with plain water..

I do soak my rockwool cubes in some B vitamins before using. I would keep them under the dome a bit longer. Or use a plastic ziplock bag. It also helps to constantly keep the roots/soil moist.


Well-Known Member
its all about moisture at the cutting tip. i found through trial and error that cuttings in soil took forever with a 50-75% attrition rate. then i bought a few aerocloners. they're only 50-60 bucks. and my success rate jumped to almost 100% with cuttings rooting in as little as 4 days and up to 10 days. it's just a better system. try it. u can make ur own system for $20. there was a thread on here where a dude made his own with a five gal bucket. very handy.


Well-Known Member
No product has the answer, it's unfortunately the enviornment. As dannboy602 said moisture at the foot tip us the key.

I have been using a home made aerocloner for about a year and a half and have had 100% clone survival, I can now be choosy on which clones I flower.

Get an aerocloner and keep water above 70 and you will have roots in 10 days or lessive.



Active Member
The page I linked is my method of cloning that I laid out in detail. I wouldn't do the dark period though, I did a.side by side with three methods and put one set through a dark period like many people suggest, only three of eight clones rooted and they looked pathetic. My method is similar to yours but I am also using an aero cloner and a water only approach to cloning suggested by amaximus, just read my post and you will see for yourself..

Dice Clay

Active Member
Just an update, all is well and the clones are doing great, and I am at a 90% success rate now. Plain watering for a week and a half and bottom watering in the tray have been the keys to my success. I am now taking nice fat top clones to strengthen my future crop as well as train my current ones during veg. Thanks for all the great advice everyone! I do not think that I will ever get a machine for cloning, I have however ordered some rockwool cubes, because for me, they are just the easiest and cleanest way to clone.