Clones been in prop 5 days, Lookin ???


Active Member

Am thinkin only one of my clones may survive, all others have bent over an as you can see dont look good, been told I wont no good or bad until at least a week, this true??

I am spraying the soil with formulex mix, an over the leaves a little before the lid goes back on, doing this every 4-6 hours, have to keep wiping the lid as well..

Should I have the 2 little vents open, they are on top of the lid, not in pic..

Any help is grateful, 1st time grower.. Thanks



New Member
idunno what that is but if its a hormone you aren't supposed to spray it on. don't wipe off the dome that is pointless, it needs to stay humid. you shouldn't need to spray that often.
if they look dead they are dead, but those look ok. the leaves are still green and moist, if they become brown and dry and shrivelled they are dead.
cloning should be done with a good amount of new growth and you should strip and plant a node, since roots will grow from the nodes. they should root in another week but if they take longer or start dying don't feel bad scrapping them.
I have luck with both dipngrow and rootone rooting hormons,
you should just spray with regular water, formulas aren't going to help the plants root they are more likely to cause damage since it is nutrients the plant doesn't need since it isn't growing. if any formula is appropriate it would be a very mild solution with less than 1% npk and best to feed it from the bottom, but I would just use water. leave the lid on, you let it get humid enough by leaving it on for 4 hours and then ruin it by taking the lid off. leave it on and spray every 2 days or when the lights go off or when it gets dry, but they need extended periods of high humidity.


Well-Known Member
Dude why have you put soil in the propagator?shit the plants look like they have been started in rockwool if i'm seeing right.take all the soil out of the propagator and make some water up ph it at around 5.0/5.5 rince the cubes through with this mix just to try to flush the shit out of the cubes .buy some multithrive and set the ph at 5.5 after adding the multithrive just spray the leaves and the cubes keep the cubes damp not wet through but spray the leaves at most twice a day.then put the propagator lid back on spray the inside with a mister and re~peat this till roots appear then put in soil.hopefullyyou might just save a few if you do has i have put you may have a chance i've seen worse not much but.