clones from craigslist???

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
if you are legal you can buy from any one regardless if they are are not.. its the sells ass not the buyers
^^^Yeah cops aren't out there busting patients for buying clones, they are out there busting people selling them. If your legal, you are allowed to acquire your medicine or plants in any way you can. It is the seller who is breaking the law. As long as you don't have more than your supposed to that is. Aren't there any dispensaries around you that have clones?If your not a legal patient, that's a totally different story.


Well-Known Member
Yes I remember a few lengthy arguments on the ebb n gro bucket thread. lol. I am not going there.
I think I started that one and finished it, too. :) Without looking if memory serves correct the poster saying that bleach isnt bad wasnt even referencing the right form of bleach sold to consumers for use. It was funny.


Well-Known Member
I am in the downriver area and havent had a problem with water. I dont even age my water. Its a weed. I water my flowers outside with the same water. Using an EZ cloner? Sorry man, but I lolled. Getting too technical for your own good.

Use rockwool cubes to clone. I make sure my cuttings get a healthy dose of rooting hormone gel before popping them in the pre-soaked and labelled cubes. Get a 7" humidity dome with vented lid. Tape a small analog hygrometer on the back side of the dome to monitor humidity. Spritz the top of the dome and the plants as needed. I see roots within 10 days, high success rate. You can fit 10-20 clones in a single dome.

Cheers :)

PS. Clean up is as easy as spraying it down with hot water from the kitchen hose sprayer with a drop or two of soap. I let it air dry completely before putting it away.

You use hormone rooting gel?

It's a weed! You're getting too technical for your own good.


Well-Known Member
Possibly, usually it's when ten others jump that makes the points confusing. I believe someone was talking about adding bleach into the system as it's operating and you were like WTF?!?! I use a diluted bleach water and wash my buckets and pots and shit and I have never had a problem. I have washed hydroton rocks with diluted bleach water also. I figured it kills the old root matter. Of course I rinse the shit out of everything and dry everything. I never figured that was a bad idea. I am leary of soaps and shit cuz it doesn't rinse of easily, and all the residue from soaps. I am not disagreeing with you at all, I don't know shit. That is just what I do. If that hurts my plants I am not one to keep doing it for spite, or anything ignorant. I like knowledge and truth. lol.


Well-Known Member
You use hormone rooting gel?

It's a weed! You're getting too technical for your own good.
Lmao. I wasn't going to go there. I am not trying to grow weed. I am trying to grow the absolute best fucking medicine that I can. Rockwool cubes ain't exactly dirt out of the backyard in a coffee can either. lol. Rockwool cubes are just the ez cloners of 1980. lmao.


Well-Known Member
I know how to get rid of crabs with a razor, a can of lighter fluid, and an ice pick; but I wouldn't go there to fix my cloner.

Pumps are like $20 or so for a compatable one; but cleaning the manifold and airline might be just as unworkable as cleaning the pump.
It must be some bad ass shit if chloranated water, (hey wait a minute!), is not killing it off while cleaning.

Is it possible that those not able to clean their infected cloners are NOT using chloranated water and that is the common theme?
Lots of people use RO and other water; but I learned straight unaged tap water is best for this type of clone machine.
The chlorine in the water is supposed to aid in the infection prevention department.

I suppose that could be an old wives tale, so to speak; but it would explain why some never have a problem.
I remember the guy who invented it wrote a pdf on using it back in the day, and he said every few months or so he filled his with tap water.

My point in this little ramble is that maybe all that is needed is fresh tap water run through it a couple times to cleanse the ick from the innards to fix these 'broken' cloners.


Well-Known Member
I know how to get rid of crabs with a razor, a can of lighter fluid, and an ice pick; but I wouldn't go there to fix my cloner.

Pumps are like $20 or so for a compatable one; but cleaning the manifold and airline might be just as unworkable as cleaning the pump.
It must be some bad ass shit if chloranated water, (hey wait a minute!), is not killing it off while cleaning.

Is it possible that those not able to clean their infected cloners are NOT using chloranated water and that is the common theme?
Lots of people use RO and other water; but I learned straight unaged tap water is best for this type of clone machine.
The chlorine in the water is supposed to aid in the infection prevention department.

I suppose that could be an old wives tale, so to speak; but it would explain why some never have a problem.
I remember the guy who invented it wrote a pdf on using it back in the day, and he said every few months or so he filled his with tap water.

My point in this little ramble is that maybe all that is needed is fresh tap water run through it a couple times to cleanse the ick from the innards to fix these 'broken' cloners.

You could be on to something Marty. I use straight up tap water. I don't even let it sit out to leach.

Maybe what you are suggesting is correct, and why I haven't had a seconds worth of problems with my unit. Other than wiping it down every so often, I've never cleaned the pump once since I've owned it.


Active Member
Haha as long as we can all laugh at each other, who cares? We are all in the pursuit of knowledge or else we wouldnt be here; a forum. Rockwool cubes might be soooo 1983, but I find them to be far less maintenance than a costly machine that can malfunction to the point of killing clones. That poor guy lost his whole stock because of it.

Marihuana shows many characteristics of a weed, it certainly has the stamina and rigor of one. It is not a weak plant by any means. When provided an environment it thrives best in, the result will be the best fucking medicine this side of the Mississippi. When given less than optimal conditions or a grow that isnt sensimilla you will have low quality medicine hardly worth the effort put into making it.

At any rate, I didnt even know these machines existed until looking at this thread.


Active Member
And being back on topic, I would never buy clones off craigslist or anyone else even if I was desperate.

1) The risk for disease and pests are far too high and can spread to your current grow area. No thanks.

2) You dont REALLY know the genetics of that plant for sure so you dont know what youre going to get. People are shady and I dont trust them any further than where I can see them.. especially people Ive never met. Since you dont know what you are getting, how do you know it is going to target your needs or your patients needs at all?

3) For security purposes, Id avoid craigslist. If someone is selling you clones/seeds, they can write your license plate down and find your house easily whether they are feds or thieves, neither is good.

If the first reason isnt good enough, Id hope the other two are. Buy from a reputable seed bank and play it safe. Patience pays off in the long run IMO.


Well-Known Member
Haha as long as we can all laugh at each other, who cares? We are all in the pursuit of knowledge or else we wouldnt be here; a forum. Rockwool cubes might be soooo 1983, but I find them to be far less maintenance than a costly machine that can malfunction to the point of killing clones. That poor guy lost his whole stock because of it.

Marihuana shows many characteristics of a weed, it certainly has the stamina and rigor of one. It is not a weak plant by any means. When provided an environment it thrives best in, the result will be the best fucking medicine this side of the Mississippi. When given less than optimal conditions or a grow that isnt sensimilla you will have low quality medicine hardly worth the effort put into making it.

At any rate, I didnt even know these machines existed until looking at this thread.

LOL!! Just busting your balls a little!

I agree with you about craigs list for all of the reasons you mentioned. Too much can go wrong to risk it. I'm with ya on the seeds. It takes more time, but you know the genetics are legit, and you don't risk bringing bugs/disease in to your garden. Fighting spider mites can take a LOT more time in the long run than waiting a few weeks for seeds to germinate!