Clones Never Worked? / Help with pics?


Active Member
1st pic is off 6 11 litre pots inside growtent.

2nd week in flower, nothin showin yet but read this is fine.. I trimmed them loads b4 flower, but they have gone really bushy, wondering is that going to mess up the bottom half of the plant?

Should I trim more now?

I might be way off with this, 1st time grower!

2nd pic if off my clones which I have now binned, they were in elec propagator an then inside another grow tent with mother.

Nothin grew at bottom, but they were still green.. May have come through if I left them but wanted to turn 3rd tent off so got rid.. What you think, do you think they would have grown roots?

Used clonex when planting them.. I have made a white mark on one of the pics, is this where I should of cut??

Thanks folks!!



Active Member
plants look pretty good i wouldnt mess with trimming too much if its a first time grow. you can do more harm than good.
are the clones u took in a dome at all?